A curated selection of public diplomacy-relevant news from a global cross-section of English-language media outlets, including independent, corporate-owned, and state-sponsored sources. The stories featured don't necessarily represent CPD's views nor have they been verified by CPD.

Civil Society’s Role in the Middle East Peace Process

Another initiative using non-verbal communication is the Side by Side project, showing that images can indeed be more powerful than words. In January 2006, seven Palestinian and seven Israeli children, who have all lost a loved-one in the conflict, met in a monastery above Jerusalem and started a six-month photographic project, run by UK charity PhotoVoice and Parents Circle, a Palestinian-Israeli bereaved families’ forum dedicated to non-violent dialogue.


India, China to continue building trust, resolve all issues

Close on the heels of the meeting between the prime ministers of India and China in Thailand, External Affairs Minister S.M. Krishna and his Chinese counterpart Yang Jiechi met here and both agreed to continue the process of building trust and understanding to resolve all outstanding issues, including the border dispute. “We both see this as a part of the process of building trust and understanding at the political level, Krishna told reporters here after his meeting with Yang that lasted for 90 minutes.


Kosovo Government ‘nation branding’ by BBR Saatchi & Saatchi Tel Aviv

The Kosovan Government has created a new TV ad campaign to change perceptions of the the formerly war-torn country. The 60-second TV campaign, by BBR Saatchi & Saatchi Tel Aviv, aims to replace negative perceptions of Kosovo with an image of youth and vigour.


Ambitious and anxious Asia

Asia aspires to lead the world. That is the chief message from the meetings of Asia-Pacific leaders that convened last weekend in Thailand...Asian nations have good reason to be proud. They have been less damaged by the global recession than other nations and have been quickest to return to growth..."The world's eyes are on Asia as the region which can lead the global economic revival."


Keeping our allies on our side in Afghanistan

The U.S. must be willing to listen to those nations that are sharing the risks.....Moreover, military power alone will not suffice. European countries and Canada provide critical civilian expertise and funding for reconstruction and development, bilaterally and through the European Union. The EU's portion -- about 1.5 billion Euros since 2002 -- is relatively modest, however; given its unparalleled civilian capacities, the EU can and should do more to help Afghans retake control of their future.


Is the British Council tearing up its past?

The British Council is seventy-five. One can’t quite, as yet, detect a genuine spring in the step of the folk from 10 Spring Gardens. But, with the neo-conservatives in Washington now routed, the gait of the “UK’s international organisation for educational opportunities and cultural relations” does somehow feel more confident than it has done for a while.


Exclusive: Soft Power Slump

Obama’s week finished with a soft power slump. The U.S. had high hopes for two meetings with Iranian officials on their suspect nuclear programs.Early in the week the administration prematurely and foolishly started crowing that the Iranians were willing to negotiate. Soft power, they proclaim, had triumphed.


STAR-TIDES leverages collaboration, technology for global problem-solving

Doctor Linton Wells, a research professor at the National Defense University...But these days, his passion is for something called STAR-TIDES, Sustainable Technologies Accelerated Research, Transformative Innovation for Development and Emergency Support. "STAR-TIDES is about sustainable support to distressed populations, post-war, post-disaster, impoverished...What we're trying to do is put together public-private, whole-of-government, transnational talent bases, to share knowledge to achieve unity of action when there's no unity of command."



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