A curated selection of public diplomacy-relevant news from a global cross-section of English-language media outlets, including independent, corporate-owned, and state-sponsored sources. The stories featured don't necessarily represent CPD's views nor have they been verified by CPD.

ASEAN culture fair held over weekend

To enhance understanding of the ASEAN cultures among the Korean public, the ASEAN-Korea Center here and the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and Trade are co-hosting the 2009 ASEAN Culture & Tourism Fair today in Yongin, Gyeonggi Province, and in Seoul Saturday and Sunday.


Imbalance Between Departments of Defense and State Dangerous for U.S. Foreign Policy

A shortage of qualified and available U.S. Foreign Service Officers and other personnel has created a vacuum that the U.S. is forced to fill with military personnel, said a new report by Refugees International released today. Drawing on the Full Strength of America: Seeking Greater Civilian Capacity in U.S. Foreign Affairs highlights the urgent need to build up U.S. civilian agencies.


Culinary Diplomacy With a Side of Kimchi

The government’s Korean Cuisine to the World campaign began in April, with official goals that include quadrupling the number of Korean restaurants abroad and lifting Korean food into the "top five rank of world cuisines" by 2017. Putting aside that such a ranking system does not exist, the campaign shows how seriously food is now taken by many governments, especially in Asia.


Assessing Obama’s foreign policy touch

His public diplomacy skills were on display Wednesday when President Obama spoke before the U.N. General Assembly. He was warmly greeted and stressed the need for nations to work together to solve the issues that connect us all from climate change to terrorism. President Obama defined “a new era of engagement with the world” after eight years of President George W. Bush’s clumsy unilateralism and contempt for the U.N.


Role of the powerful in 21st Century

The United States government’s National Intelligence Council projects that American dominance will be “much diminished” by 2025, and that the one key area of continued American superiority – military power – will be less significant in the increasingly competitive world of the future.


Yes, We Speak Cupcake

Cupcake shops have become as ubiquitous as hot dog stands in some American cities, and have spread to Rome; Istanbul; Berlin; Seoul, South Korea; and Sydney, Australia. Now Mr. Jaber has proved that even the Arab world is not immune to such a Western frivolity.


Cracks in Iran’s Clique

For the first time since Iran began enriching uranium that could be used in a nuclear weapon, we have a glimmer of hope for a diplomatic solution to this problem — as long as we are not too diplomatic, as long as the Iranian regime is made to understand that biting economic sanctions are an absolute certainty and military force by Israel is a live possibility.


A Public diplomacy strategy for India

In the 2008 Anholt’s Nation Brand Index India ranked a lowly 27th and was ranked low in all categories like perceptions of culture, tourism, governance, Investment brand etc. At a time when India is aspiring to be a global power and when the focus of India’s military doctrine happens to be “power projection” there is a need to complement these efforts with an effective soft power strategy.



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