A curated selection of public diplomacy-relevant news from a global cross-section of English-language media outlets, including independent, corporate-owned, and state-sponsored sources. The stories featured don't necessarily represent CPD's views nor have they been verified by CPD.

South Dakota Film Festival wraps up in Aberdeen

Movies that have a tie to South Dakota or neighboring states are regularly featured during the event, but the final session, during which 10 films from nine countries were shown, featured the finalists from the Manhattan Short Film Festival. The films were from the United States, United Kingdom, Israel, Australia, Italy, France, Mozambique, Sweden and two from Spain.


MidEast Awaits Fireworks and Surprises from Manhattan

Dr Seyyed Mohammad Marandi, a lecturer in North American Studies at the University of Tehran said "I think Ahmadinejad will be using the U.N. as a public diplomacy tool, as his audience is not so much the U.N. and the U.S. but the developing world and the Islamic world. That's the audience Ahmadinejad tends to focus on."


Scotland’s standing ‘needs work’

Scotland's former "ambassador" in the United States has called for a diplomatic charm offensive to help patch up relations with America. Susan Stewart, who was a Scottish affairs official in the US, said a campaign of public diplomacy is needed after the Lockerbie bomber release.


ANALYSIS / Tripartite summit or PR for Obama?

The summit serves, first and foremost, to provide the Obama administration with a much sought photo-op: Three leaders shaking hands, seemingly getting back to negotiations. This would come against the backdrop of the White House's resounding failure to force Israel's agreement to a complete settlement freeze or to persuade Arab states to make even tentative steps toward normalization with Israel.


The Giant’s Rival, Part Two: The US Response

China’s emergence as a great power rival to the US in the South Pacific went unchallenged for a decade. For a number of reasons, the US reduced its diplomatic presence and withdrew most of its developmental assistance programs in the South Pacific during the 1990s.


Afghanistan’s War - Waged on the Airwaves

U.S. forces in Afghanistan are waging a new kind of battle in their campaign to win hearts and minds. You might call it the "radio wars," as CBS News Correspondent Mandy Clark reports from eastern Afghanistan. In a region of Afghanistan where literary is less than 20 percent, radio is the best way to reach the people.


Nigeria Says ‘District 9’ Is Not Welcome

“District 9,” the summer science-fiction blockbuster about an alien refugee camp in South Africa, is drawing protests from government officials in Nigeria over its portrayal of Nigerians, The Associated Press reported. Dora Akunyili, the country’s information minister, has asked movie houses in Abuja, the nation’s capital, to stop screening the film because it depicts Nigerians as gangsters and cannibals.


Next generation of Latin leaders doesn’t have U.S. grudge

The world should look forward to the next generation of Latin American leaders. They will be less hostile toward the West and less likely to destabilize their neighbors...The ill will generated by U.S. policy reverberates today among political leaders in Central and South America even though the Cold War ended 20 years ago and the U.S. is focused on the Middle East and Asia, letting the region more or less take care of itself.



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