A curated selection of public diplomacy-relevant news from a global cross-section of English-language media outlets, including independent, corporate-owned, and state-sponsored sources. The stories featured don't necessarily represent CPD's views nor have they been verified by CPD.

GAO report finds State Department language skills dangerously lacking

About a third of Foreign Service officers in jobs that require language skills don't have the proficiency required to do their jobs, hurting America's ability to advocate its interests around the world, according to a new report by the Government Accountability Office.


Bulgarian chosen to head Unesco

The UN cultural and scientific organisation Unesco has chosen its new leader, former Bulgarian Foreign Minister Irina Bokova. Ms Bokova beat the favourite, Egyptian Culture Minister Faruq Hosni, whose candidacy had been clouded by allegations of anti-Semitism.


Iran’s leader plays the pan-Muslim populist

When Iranian President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad addresses the United Nations on Wednesday, he will speak past the world leaders gathered in the cavernous hall of the General Assembly. His message will be crafted to improve his standing in the Muslim world and bolster his reputation as a Third World hero. In a region ruled by kings and despots, Ahmadinejad has worked hard to cultivate his image as a pan-Islamic populist leader who is not afraid to stand up to the West.


Video: Denmark and Google cooperate on climate

The YouTube channel is the result of a cooperation between Denmark and the owner of YouTube, Google. “We wish to open up the climate change conference and give people an opportunity to make their voices heard,” says Klavs A. Holm, Ambassador for Public Diplomacy. The best video contributions will be aired during the COP15 CNN/YouTube TV debate on December 15.


David Pogue on Twitter as a tool of cultural diplomacy

Can Twitter be a tool of cultural diplomacy?..."Technology is tearing down those distance barriers," Pogue said. Pogue’s point, I think, was that Twitter could be a tool of cultural diplomacy.


Global Leaders Commit To Change At Clinton Summit

The Clinton Global Initiative, which began Tuesday in New York, has drawn hundreds of global leaders - such as World Bank Group President Robert Zoellick, U.S. President Barack Obama, Goldman Sachs Group's (GS) Chairman Lloyd Blankfein and JPMorgan Chase (JPM) Chief Executive Jamie Dimon - in funding commitments for a range of causes, including global health and education, strengthening infrastructure, the welfare of girls and women, climate change and ending poverty.


Under Attack

A huge banner with a photo of David Plouffe festooned a media conference I attended in Croatia last week. The former Obama campaign manager is coming to Zagreb later this year and those running local election campaigns are eager to welcome "the unsung hero" who "helped restore the trust in the United States of America."


Too big to ignore

It is Napoleon who is supposed to have said "when China awakes, the world will tremble." It took a long time, but for some years now China is fully awake, and the world is not trembling. On the contrary, it watches with amazement the spectacular progress being made by this great country.



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