A curated selection of public diplomacy-relevant news from a global cross-section of English-language media outlets, including independent, corporate-owned, and state-sponsored sources. The stories featured don't necessarily represent CPD's views nor have they been verified by CPD.

Obama’s Strategic Confusion

President Obama's decision Thursday to abandon the so-called Third Site of missile defense systems in Poland and the Czech Republic already is generating fierce debate and causing great consternation. The decision is a slap to America's Polish and Czech allies, who had braved Russian intimidation in agreeing to host the sites.


Obama’s Worldwide Star Power Finds Limits

Eight months into his presidency, Barack Obama has become a global celebrity, far more popular abroad than he is at home and sometimes eclipsing foreign leaders among their own people. He has sought to use his renown to repair America's image in the world, extending an "open hand" in major speeches on trips to more than a dozen countries.


Sacha Baron Cohen to guide the Simpsons around Israel

Several episodes of the hit animated series The Simpsons have dealt with Jewish issues, and even the Middle East conflict over the years. However, it wasn't until the series' 21rst season that Homer, Marge, Bart, Lisa and Maggie will finally visit Israel and meet a bitter and angry Israeli tour guide, played by Sacha Baron Cohen.


France’s President Sarkozy is one of most powerful leader in the world

French President Nicolas Sarcozy makes an impression everywhere he speaks, nationally and internationally. He's entertaining, thought-provoking and energizing. All of those things make Sarkozy a very good leader, and speaker. But what makes French President exceptional is his ability to inspire people to change their behavior beyond the event itself.


Obama: Cuban mega-concert doesn’t hurt US outreach

President Barack Obama says cultural diplomacy with Cuba can be helpful to a point. But he says the effect of performances such as the concert set for Sunday in Havana by Colombian singer Juanes should not be overstated. Obama tells Univision's "Al Punto" show that Juanes' concert carries no U.S. stamp of approval.


U.S. image has improved, but ...

As President Barack Obama welcomes world leaders to the United States this week, he has gone a long way toward meeting his goal of restoring the country's international standing. Foreign counterparts flock to meet with him, and polls show that people in many countries feel much better about the U.S.


American Diplomacy Failed Obama in Poland

While American and international media blames President Obama for choosing to announce his decision on the removal of the missile defense system from Poland and Czech Republic on the 70th anniversary of the Soviet attack on Poland on September 17, 1939, surprisingly so far no one has called it a failure of American diplomacy.


Cubans flock to iconic plaza for ‘peace concert’

Cubans in their multitudes flocked to sprawling Revolution Plaza on Sunday for a massive open-air "peace concert" headlined by Colombian rocker Juanes, an event criticized by some Cuban-Americans who say the performers are lending support to the island's communist government simply by showing up.



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