A curated selection of public diplomacy-relevant news from a global cross-section of English-language media outlets, including independent, corporate-owned, and state-sponsored sources. The stories featured don't necessarily represent CPD's views nor have they been verified by CPD.

Lessons for Science Envoys

Nina Fedoroff, science adviser to Secretary Hillary Clinton, will have a big hand in defining the missions of America’s new science envoys. Fedoroff herself has a clear vision of what’s needed. She told Seed last February that US scientists, engineers, and experts should become global citizens, “to wander the world, to coach and help and teach” others until, borrowing a metaphor from New York Times columnist Thomas Friedman, the world of knowledge and educational opportunity becomes truly flat.


How to Talk to Iran

President Obama was right to accept the platform as an entrée to talks that will begin Oct. 1. I argued strongly for engagement with Iran after a February visit. During a second stay in Tehran, appalled by the brutal repression of protesters I witnessed after the June 12 election, I said Obama had to allow a decent interval on outreach. Three months have passed. That’s a short pause, but matters are pressing and this is real toe-in-the-water stuff.


Alhurra Targeted for Review by State Dept. Inspector General

The State Department Inspector General has begun a comprehensive inspection of Alhurra, its sister station Radio Sawa and its parent company, the Middle East Broadcasting Network. Inspections generally focus on management issues, the use of financial resources and whether U.S. foreign policy goals are being effectively achieved.


Holbrooke: Why Are We Being Out-Communicated by the Taliban?

Speaking at a celebration of Radio Free Europe/Radio Liberty’s new Pashto service — to be broadcast into the Afghan-Pakistani border region — Richard Holbrooke, the Obama administration’s special envoy for Afghanistan and Pakistan, returned to one of his oft-expressed themes. "Why," Holbrooke asked, "by and large, is the world’s greatest communication’s nation being out-communicated by people who stand for such repressive activities?"


Spokesman to the Nation

Zhao Qizheng, former Minister of the State Council Information Office recently wrote a new book: Dialogue Between Nations—Speeches by Zhao Qizheng, which was published by Foreign Languages Press. "My new book aims to show English readers China's enthusiasm for carrying out public diplomacy," Zhao said at the launch ceremony for the book at the Beijing International Book Fair on September 3.


Herzog calls for legal authority to defend Israel internationally

Welfare and Social Affairs Minister Isaac Herzog is leading an effort to form a new international authority that would handle Israel's position in legal battles concerning the Middle East conflict. Advocacy and public diplomacy, according to Herzog, is not enough. A legal offensive, he says, must be undertaken in an effort to impress upon the international community the need to alter laws on warfare.


Mission Accomplished

There is no lack of difficulties in foreign relations and hasbara, a term for Israeli public diplomacy that entails official efforts to promote the country and explain its policies. Just last week, the Swedish foreign minister canceled a scheduled visit here, academics around the world continued to call for boycotts against Israel, and important artists backed out of the Toronto Film Festival, merely because films being screened there depict Tel Aviv as a normal place.


The Other Pakistan

Fueled by the horrific story of Daniel Pearl’s tragic death and videos of Taliban brutality, Americans tend to associate Pakistan more with extremism and random violence than with poetry, music, and culture. But the media paints a distorted picture of Pakistan, as audiences of the Asia Society's current exhibition, Hanging Fire: Contemporary Art of Pakistan and of Salman Ahmad's Concert for Pakistan can attest.



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