A curated selection of public diplomacy-relevant news from a global cross-section of English-language media outlets, including independent, corporate-owned, and state-sponsored sources. The stories featured don't necessarily represent CPD's views nor have they been verified by CPD.

Intervening abroad: Do we have the means to match our will?

Conservative thinkers generally base foreign policy on the concept of national interest...they argue that the responsibility of government is to protect the state's territorial integrity and other vital interests, such as freedom to trade and navigate the seas. They emphasize the importance of military strength, quoting the old Roman proverb Si vis pacem, para bellum – if you want peace, prepare for war.


Hollywood Bowl comes alive to the sounds of India

An audience of over 15000 sat enthralled all through the spectacular musical treat presented jointly by National Geographic and Incredible India at the Hollywood Bowl in Los Angeles on 20th Sept 2009, which was the high point of the "India Calling" Celebrations.


The right move in Europe

The Obama administration's decision to alter course on missile defense was the right choice...But the change of course will have to be complemented with new, more appropriate initiatives to reassure NATO's East European members that the U.S. commitment to their security remains steadfast.


Involving Global Opinion in the Climate Debate: Denmark Launches Climate Change Web Platform With Go

Denmark will allow users of the online video sharing website YouTube to share their thoughts on climate change and to make their voices be heard at the conference. Through the channel, users can contribute their own opinion and questions, and respond to and view videos by climate change opinion makers.


Occupation in Iraq a partnership of forces

"What we're not doing is unilateral missions, "Col. David Funk said. "We're not doing cordons and searches and raids like we used to do. We'll only do that with the Iraqi security forces." It's part of the larger effort of the American military to slowly fade into the background as the Iraqi military gets better at maintaining security.


When in New York?

Now, is the time for Libya to use its new found diplomacy to help the world help Africa by defining the focused agenda being lacked to date...This should be great opportunity to present our point of view on many regional and international issues. We have well founded experience in Africa, and its ills, and the UN represents a pool of NGOs gathering at the same time.


Authority lies in smart power

Conventional wisdom has always held that the state with the largest military prevails, but in an information age it may be the state (or non-state) with the best story that wins. Today, it is far from clear how the balance of power is measured, much less how to develop successful survival strategies.


A U.S. Envoy Makes a Case for the U.N.

Diplomats [at the UN] anticipated that after her appointment in January, Ms. Rice would pull off a similar, if more sustained, feat at the United Nations by resurrecting American engagement with the world body. So far, though, she has won praise more for a welcome change in tone than for providing a starring role for the United Nations in American foreign policy.



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