A curated selection of public diplomacy-relevant news from a global cross-section of English-language media outlets, including independent, corporate-owned, and state-sponsored sources. The stories featured don't necessarily represent CPD's views nor have they been verified by CPD.

Slumdog Composer Reaches Around the World in Harmony

INDIA'S Oscar-winning pop icon, the Slumdog Millionaire composer A.R. Rahman, wants to counter recent attacks on Indian students in Sydney and Melbourne with a free concert during the Sydney Festival in January....Rahman said he hoped to deepen the connection between India and Australia.''I hope it will do what ever it can to reunite culturally and spiritually,'' he said.


Kenya Set to Have First Foreign Policy Document

Kenya will have its first foreign policy document since independence this week, the Nation can reveal. The document titled “draft sessional paper on Kenya’s foreign policy framework” puts the fight against terrorism, promotion of trade across the globe, environmental conservation and sports as priority links with the world, the Nation can reveal....The document identifies pillars of Kenyan foreign policy as economic diplomacy, peace diplomacy, environmental diplomacy, cultural and diaspora diplomacy.


Walt Disney and the Art of WWII Propaganda

During World War II, Donald Duck and Mickey Mouse weren't just about entertainment. Film studios used animated characters to spread propaganda and educate Americans about their enemies. And the animators themselves were employed to make insignia for military units and equipment.


The Show Goes On

The second installment of the mass trial staged against reformist leaders and some of their supporters, was a lot like the first: The prosecutor read a long statement, which essentially amounted to a copy-and-paste job of articles and columns that have already appeared in hardline publications such as Kayhan, Javan, and the Fars News Agency, all of which have close links to the Islamic Revolutionary Guards Corps (IRGC)....According to the prosecutor, the West, led by the United Stated, has been trapped in the Iraq and Afghanistan quagmires.


Clinton Building Ties With Angola

Hillary Rodham Clinton made the first visit to Angola by a U.S. secretary of state in seven years, trying Sunday to strengthen relations with a growing oil producer that is being aggressively courted by China. Clinton sought to emphasize the positive in her two-day visit, praising Angola's efforts to rebuild after a 27-year civil war that ended in 2002. But during a meeting in parliament, opposition politicians urged her to press for more democratic behavior from President José Eduardo dos Santos, who has been in power for three decades.


Keeping Holocaust Stories Alive

Schools across the country will soon be forced to alter the way they teach the most disturbing event of the past century. The reason: Old age is claiming what Hitler could not. For decades, men and women have visited classrooms to give firsthand accounts of the systematic elimination of Europe's Jews. As survivors, they were the exception, because far more perished than made it out alive. Stories from eyewitnesses to the Holocaust have been seen as the best way to help students understand how a civilized, educated society could collaborate as 6 million Jews were murdered.


Think Again: Twitter

The groundbreaking microblogging service is great for sharing links and communicating with friends. It's not so good at spreading democracy and overthrowing dictatorships...."Authoritarian regimes should fear Twitter" ...Not at all. You can't fear what doesn't exist -- and Twitter barely exists, if it exists at all, in most authoritarian countries. Generally, either they have their own microblogging services or Internet access is too slow and expensive for Twitter to be broadly useful.


Hillary Clinton Calls For Stronger Alliance Between Us, South Africa

US Secretary of State Hillary Clinton called yesterday for a broad alliance with South Africa. Clinton is emphasising public diplomacy during her 11-day, seven-nation tour of Africa, hoping to showcase the commitment of President Barack Obama's administration to the continent.



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