A curated selection of public diplomacy-relevant news from a global cross-section of English-language media outlets, including independent, corporate-owned, and state-sponsored sources. The stories featured don't necessarily represent CPD's views nor have they been verified by CPD.

India’s Pandit Debojyoti Bose Wows Audience

The concert series was organized by the Embassy of India, the India Council of Cultural Relations, the Ministries of External affairs, Ministry of Education, Culture and Science of Mongolia, the India Culture Centre, and the India-Mongolia Friendship Association.


Confucianism At Large in Africa

In March, the Confucius institutes headquarters' website counted 19 Confucius institutes in Africa, with four of these classified as "classrooms" in existing African universities, and another three in the offing. The tone of reports of this nature tends to be self-congratulatory, with little indication of definite educational outcomes or how such outcomes are being integrated into China's broader international cultural cooperation effort.


U.S. No Longer At War With ‘Terrorism’

It's official. The United States is no longer engaged in a "war on terrorism." Neither is it fighting "jihadists" nor locked in a "global war. "President Obama's top homeland security and counterterrorism official on Thursday declared as unacceptable the terms crafted by the George W. Bush administration.


Youth Return From Cultural Exchange in the UK

"Many found value in canoeing and will be taking more trips this summer, others found value in the history of other cultures and nations, some learned the value of being an ambassador, others identified with their attachment to home," said Matthew Baran, a family enrichment counsellor with the Penticton Indian Band and the skipper.


Cultural Exchange Program Changes Students’ Views, Enlightens Future Leaders

It’s a snapshot of America," Salim said of what the Study of the U.S. Institute for Student Leaders meant to her. "When I came here, I had many misperceptions about Americans: They don't like to talk to you; they won't answer you; they are very rude; they are this, they are that. But when I came here, it was the total opposite of that.


Censoring the Voice of America

Earlier this year, a community radio station in Minneapolis asked Voice of America for permission to retransmit its news coverage on the increasingly volatile situation in Somalia. Producers hoped to offer an informative, Somali-language alternative to the terrorist propaganda that is streaming into Minneapolis, where the United States' largest Somali community resides.


Obama’s Battle Against Terrorism To Go Beyond Bombs and Bullets

The U.S. government must fundamentally redefine the struggle against terrorism, replacing the "war on terror" with a campaign combining all facets of national power to defeat the enemy, John O. Brennan, President Obama's senior counterterrorism adviser, said Wednesday.


Is Islam > First Amendment at the State Department?

The Federal government is pursuing programs that clearly favor the religion of Islam. Among these efforts are programs conducted by the US Department of State. This program involved US Department of State funding and oversight for two Palestinian television crews to come to the US to create documentaries related to "life of Muslims in America."



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