A curated selection of public diplomacy-relevant news from a global cross-section of English-language media outlets, including independent, corporate-owned, and state-sponsored sources. The stories featured don't necessarily represent CPD's views nor have they been verified by CPD.

Obama to launch PR campaign to sway Israelis, Arabs on peace

In light of the difficulties it has encountered in advancing the diplomatic process in the Middle East, the Obama administration plans on launching a public relations blitz in Israel and the Arab states.


New Sino-Afro Media Partnership in Making

A new strategic media partnership between Africa and China was the centrepiece of discussions at the 6th Forum on China – Africa Cooperation (Focac) seminar held here recently. Chinese and African information officers and journalists attended the seminar. It unpacked the prevailing media environment and flow of information globally.


International Architecture Book Fair Kicks Off in Pyongyang

The exhibition will help the DPRK people know better about the history and achievements of architecture, recognize its trend in the new century and push forward the friendly cooperation between the DPRK and other countries, said Mun Jae Chol, acting chairman of the Korean Committee for Cultural Relations with Foreign Countries, at the opening ceremony.


U.S. to Push Peace in Middle East Media Campaign

In coming weeks, senior administration officials said, the White House will begin a public-relations campaign in Israel and Arab countries to better explain Mr. Obama's plans for a comprehensive peace agreement involving Israel, the Palestinians and the Arab world.


Culture Is Ripe For The Picking - Hanna

Lisa Hanna, the opposition spokesperson on youth, information and culture, has urged a fresh approach to job creation on the island. She said that the area of culture was ripe for the picking and Jamaicans should tap into the reservoir by way of technology, which is available at the fingertips of young people.


Obama Courts Worldwide Following Through Social Media, But Is Playing Catch-up

Watch President Barack Obama and Secretary of State Hillary Clinton talk about China. Read about it in Chinese. Catch a Web chat with a filmmaker on democracy. Philip Seib, the director of the Center on Public Diplomacy at the University of Southern California, said the administration was right to hop on the bandwidth wagon.


OIC’s Cultural Fair Attracts Expats

The cultural exhibition for the Organization of the Islamic Conference (OIC) member states at the OIC pavilion as part of the ‘Jeddah Ghair’ festival in the city is drawing huge crowds, especially from among the expatriates in the Kingdom. “Expatriates from various countries who live in the Kingdom are attending the event along with Saudi nationals. This is a great opportunity to develop relations with each other,”


‘In America, India Is Popular For Its Soft Power And Not So Much For Being A Nuclear Nation’

'While India is moving into the 21st century in the business arena and even foreign policy, when it comes to cultural exchanges I don’t think we are there yet. Our museums need to become centres of international exchanges of culture so that Indians can know about other parts of the world and not just Indian.'



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