A curated selection of public diplomacy-relevant news from a global cross-section of English-language media outlets, including independent, corporate-owned, and state-sponsored sources. The stories featured don't necessarily represent CPD's views nor have they been verified by CPD.

Assessing the IDP Crisis of Pakistan: Wendy J. Chamberlin, President of the Middle East Institute

Pakistan has a vibrant and free press that has enormous influence over the population of 170 million We saw the power of the Pakistani media in the swift reversal of public opinion in April after the media broadcast the savagery of so-called Taliban justice. Our public diplomacy could do more to address the disconnect between public rejection of the Taliban and public distrust of the one international partner who is doing the most to help Pakistan resist this extremist threat.


Summer of “Splitnik”: Remembering the American National Exhibition in Moscow

Last week I attended "Face-off to Facebook: From the Nixon-Khruschev Debate to Public Diplomacy in the 21st Century", a conference sponsored by George Washington University's Institute for Public Diplomacy and Global Communication at the School of Media and Public Affairs. The event was a celebration of the 50th anniversary of the American National Exhibition in Moscow and the infamous impromptu tête-à-tête that took place between Vice President Richard Nixon and General Secretary Nikita Khruschev.


What Kind of Cultural Leader Will Obama Be?

Unlike most American presidents, he writes his own books. He is said to enjoy music, especially blues and jazz. His chief of staff was a ballet dancer. His appointees have enough PhDs to fill a faculty club. But what will his arts policy be like? And what will it mean for the visual arts?


Israel to head the world’s largest R&D initiative

As evidence of its leading role in research and development, Israel has been chosen to head the largest R&D network in the world, the "Eureka initiative", a pan-European, inter-governmental initiative that supports European innovation and sees investments of 1.5 billion euro every year.


Swedish think-tank denounces EU ‘propaganda’

The EU also contributes funds to a number of pro-European "NGOs" in order to substantiate claims that there is civil society support for deeper integration, the think-tank argues.


Repairing The U.S. Image In Muslim World

America's image is on the rebound throughout much of the world, driven in large part by positive reactions to the new U.S. president. However, as a new Pew Global Attitudes Project survey of 24 countries and the Palestinian territories reveals, the Muslim world remains largely immune to Obamamania.


Perspectives: Farah Pandith and US engagement with Muslims

With Pandith's personal background as an Indian Muslim and her experience engaging European Muslims during the Bush administration, she brings a wealth of knowledge and some inter-administration continuity to this new role. Her appointment is an important opportunity to create an honest, two-way dialogue with Muslim communities around the world.


House resolution to establish Gandhi-King Scholarly Initiative

A Congressional resolution has been introduced in the US House of Representatives to establish 'Gandhi-King Scholarly Exchange Initiative' focusing on peace and non-violence in global conflict resolution.



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