A curated selection of public diplomacy-relevant news from a global cross-section of English-language media outlets, including independent, corporate-owned, and state-sponsored sources. The stories featured don't necessarily represent CPD's views nor have they been verified by CPD.

Khanfar: Obama has Opened a Window of Opportunity

This morning I joined a small group at the Middle East Institute for a free-wheeling hour with Wadah Khanfar, the controversial and energetic director of al-Jazeera who is in Washington DC for the first time...The simple fact of his visit to Washington symbolizes the new opportunities for engagement between the U.S. and the Arab public -- as well as the complexities of that engagement.


Chinese Ambassador On Public Diplomacy

Chinese ambassador to the United Kingdom Fu Ying said Sunday that public diplomacy needs to tell what it is, tell more and clearly. She also said the public diplomacy needs "quick and early response" so that China's voice can be heard by the international community at the first moment and the world know about the truth timely.


Why Young Afghans Won’t Vote

The Obama administration and its representatives in Afghanistan have a strong interest in ensuring that the elections are as transparent as Afghanistan’s fragile infrastructure and worsening security situation will allow, and have advertised their impartiality extensively. But in the end, the constant accusations of meddling are only a symptom of what is a much deeper public diplomacy problem.


S. Korean Middle Schoolers Learning English, U.S. Ways

Twenty-four middle-schoolers from South Korea are in Howard County this month trying to improve their English and learn more about American culture during the fourth annual Summer Cultural Exchange Program. The students have been taking rigorous classes for Speakers of Other Languages class.


Book review: ‘Why America Fights’ by Susan A. Brewer

In Why America Fights, Susan A. Brewer provides a comprehensive history of a century's worth of American propaganda, which she defines as "the deliberate manipulation of fact, ideas, and lies." This is a pernicious process, achieving short-term political goals at the expense of long-term credibility.


China and Saudi Arabia Strengthen Ties

A Chinese company has been selected to build 200 new schools in Saudi Arabia that when completed will accommodate 153,000 students. The new schools are a centerpiece of Saudi King Abdullah's Project for the Development of General Education which aims to raise standards of education in the kingdom.


Obama Improves US Image Abroad: Poll

A new Pew Poll released this week concluded that if the world’s citizens were allowed to vote in US elections, President Barack Obama’s reelection in 2012 would be a foregone conclusion and there would be no need to worry about Republicans Sarah Palin, Mitt Romney or anybody else.


China Launches Arabic International TV Channel

China Saturday launched an international Arabic-language television channel as part of an ambitious programme to promote the communist country's views abroad. State-run China Central Televisionsaid the new service would broadcast news, entertainment and education programmes 24 hours a day to a potential audience of about 300 million people in 22 countries.



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