A curated selection of public diplomacy-relevant news from a global cross-section of English-language media outlets, including independent, corporate-owned, and state-sponsored sources. The stories featured don't necessarily represent CPD's views nor have they been verified by CPD.

[Malaysian] Indian Artistes Get To Study Dance And Music In India

Two female Malaysian Indian artistes have been awarded scholarships to pursue dance and music studies at Annamalai University in India, said Indian High Commissioner to Malaysia Ashok K. Kantha. He said the duo were winners of the nation-wide Dance and Music Competition conducted by the High Commission of India in partnership with the Astro pay TV station late last year.


Japanese E-Library Project Could Lose Out To Google Book Search Without Government Flex

Digitization of books and their distribution on the Web is an issue that relates to the concept of soft power, with which countries aspire to gain a greater voice in the international community through attaining support for their unique culture and values.


Westward Words

We want to highlight our mutual interests more clearly, for both our sakes. Like you, we want an open, dynamic Europe, not a greying, inward-looking theme park. Like you (we hope) we want the European Union to be America's partner, not its rival.


China’s Military To Launch Official Web Site

China's Defense Ministry will launch its first official Web site next month in what state media said Thursday was an effort by the secretive military to be more transparent. The Web site appears aimed at reassuring Asian and Western nations that the PLA is becoming more accessible to the outside world. "As more attention is being given to online information, the Chinese army has moved one step forward in its public diplomacy," [said] Professor Li Xiguang.


Anniversary - Friday Marks 50th Anniversary of Historic Kitchen Debate

This Friday, July 24, marks the 50th anniversary of the historic Nixon-Khrushchev kitchen debate at the groundbreaking American National Exhibition in Moscow. Numerous anecdotes [are now known like:] how the historic debate was an unplanned accident, how it came about, how Soviet officials didn't want to talk to the State Department and what simple American products impressed the Russians most 50 years ago.


Thanks For the Umbrella, But it’s Not Raining Yet

The decision to engage Iran to prevent it from becoming a nuclear-armed power was not an easy one, but both Mrs Clinton and President Barack Obama have made clear their preference for a diplomatic solution, breaking several taboos that have long paralysed US diplomacy.


Why the US Should Import Ideas from India

I genuinely believe that the US-India partnership is going to be the most beautiful geopolitical marriage of the 21st century. But for this marriage to work, both nations need to take the partnership to the next level — version 3.0 — this one characterized by "public diplomacy."


Director Says Film Censorship Attempt Backfired

The director of the Melbourne Film Festival says he rejected a request from the Chinese Consulate in Melbourne to remove a film from the program. The documentary is about exiled Uighur leader, Rebiya Kadeer, who's been accused by China of instigating the recent ethnic clashes in Xinjiang.



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