A curated selection of public diplomacy-relevant news from a global cross-section of English-language media outlets, including independent, corporate-owned, and state-sponsored sources. The stories featured don't necessarily represent CPD's views nor have they been verified by CPD.

New Website Gives Insight into Army

The Ministry of National Defense (MND) will launch an official bilingual website on Aug 1. New website gives insight into army. The move, military experts say, is a leap forward for the Chinese army, which is attempting to be more transparent and focus more on "public diplomacy".


Toward a More Imaginative U.S. Public Diplomacy

Barack Obama may be the best exponent of American public diplomacy since Benjamin Franklin, inspiring a newly hopeful attitude about the United States in many parts of the world. But beyond the president himself U.S. public diplomacy lacks coherence and impact.


VOA Swahili Text Messages Available in Kenya Through Safaricom

Daily news from Voice of America's (VOA) Swahili Service is available, starting this week, by text message for users of Safaricom's "Get It 411" program in Kenya.


The Big Clumsy Panda in the Pacific

The US is often portrayed as an 800 pound gorilla careering its way across the globe. China, by contrast, is seen by many as having escaped the disadvantages of its enormous size and crafted a well-thought-out foreign policy.


Hotel Bombs Have Little Effect on Indonesia Tourism Goals

The country will not revise its 2009 target for foreign-tourist arrivals in the wake of last week’s bomb attacks on two international hotels in Jakarta, a senior government tourism official said.


Rapper Feud Mirrors World Politics

The way that rappers compete with each other — this is soft power," says Mark Lynch, author of a recent article for Foreign Policy.com comparing world politics to rap feuds. "This is the way you try and make a reputation, try and get what you want, and you have to do it through this very intricate series of alliances.


Korea Aims to Polish Image with Overseas Roles

The government is setting out to improve Korea's national image abroad with more contributions to world peace and development, increased youth volunteering abroad and major marketing campaigns for top Korean brands. In a meeting of the Presidential Council on Nation Branding yesterday, various ministers announced their measures aimed at boosting Korea's standing in national brand recognition from 33rd to 15th by 2013.


Tom Tuch on Kitchen Debate- “What Gives With This Guy?”

Hans "Tom" Tuch was the U.S. Embassy's cultural attache and acting press chief in July 1959 when the American exhibition opened in Sokolniki Park. He was one of the most respected U.S. public diplomats of the Cold War period, and has written extensively in later years about the evolution of public diplomacy.



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