A curated selection of public diplomacy-relevant news from a global cross-section of English-language media outlets, including independent, corporate-owned, and state-sponsored sources. The stories featured don't necessarily represent CPD's views nor have they been verified by CPD.

PD in Pakistan, and Why Al Qaeda Knows Something the U.S. Could Learn

One of the mysteries of our day is that American hard power has been so ineffective for so many years in apprehending Al Qaeda leader Osama bin Laden (and his deputy, Ayman al-Zawahiri), leaving the group free to use public diplomacy to speak to Muslim publics — especially to a Pakistani nation that distrusts the United States.


Public Affairs And Public Diplomacy Is At Odds With Social Media, And What To Do About It

Public affairs and pubic diplomacy blogger Matt Armstrong of Armstrong Strategic Insights Group, LLC discusses U.S. Public Diplomacy, repairing America’s image abroad and whether or not the U.S. Department of State will ever be adequately resourced to lead the nation’s global engagement efforts through social media.


Hip Hip Hooray For Host Families!

Ask most international exchange students what they have learned after staying with an American family for a semester or a year. You'll hear all kinds of answers. Answers from "I learned what snow felt like" to "I learned how to play American football" to "I learned to be more thankful". What makes this all possible? Host families.


Ghana: Self Help Diplomacy - An Emerging Obama Doctrine Towards African Countries?

President Obama whilst in Ghana had a new orientation to the carrot and stick US foreign policy...a 'reverse diplomacy' concept whereby all the efforts at promoting US interest in a country rather lies with the latter, which has the sole responsibility of generating that interest through the establishment of strong institutions. This is certainly not public diplomacy.


Clinton Reaches Out To New Generation In India

About 700 students packed an auditorium at Delhi University to hear Clinton's ideas for a much broader and deeper U.S.-India relationship. She said the dialogue now covers everything from regional security issues and nuclear nonproliferation to fighting hunger and climate change.


The Crisis Where?

Human rights issues have the potential to galvanize attention around the world, and when Washington gets involved, it can have a significant effect - the United States, for all its skepticism of foreign aid, remains the largest aid donor in the world. But when policy-making follows public sentiment - which it often does - it becomes ad-hoc, jumping from one problem to the next.


UW Medical Students Rave About Exchange Program

Through the federation - which is run by students, for students - more than 500 medical students from more than 50 countries travel the globe to take part in basic science or clinical research projects under the leadership of a university faculty member.


Concerns Raised About Foreign Exchange Programs

The situation in the Scranton region has rocked the U.S. foreign exchange establishment, raising questions about checks and balances that are supposed to keep students safe and their stays positive. While the U.S. government says most of the students go home happy, critics say weak regulatory oversight.



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