A curated selection of public diplomacy-relevant news from a global cross-section of English-language media outlets, including independent, corporate-owned, and state-sponsored sources. The stories featured don't necessarily represent CPD's views nor have they been verified by CPD.

The Arsenal of Soft Power

Together with the BBC and Voice of America, Radio Farda provided the real-time, accurate information that the Iranian regime did its utmost to suppress. When a state is built on lies, it can’t abide the truth. That’s why when it is doing its work in undemocratic places, RFE/RL is invariably hated by the governments.


In Defense of Aid

Aid is not a vanity exercise. An unpopular government or leader complicates diplomatic efforts and compromises America's ability to lead. If the United States is respected around the world and seen as a defender of human rights and open societies, diplomacy becomes easier.


With VOA Left Voiceless, Obama Fails to Reach Russian Public

President Obama’s foreign policy thus far has been marked by an emphasis on public diplomacy. As a result, successfully engaging foreign publics has become a top priority of his administration. But Obama’s message failed to reach his intended audience- the Russian public. On Russian television, which is tightly controlled by the Kremlin, Obama’s remarks were largely ignored, receiving hardly any air-time.


Instead Of A Tambourine You Play A Daff? Cultural Diplomacy At The Table And Away From The Table

The role of art and music in foreign policy is an important one. Since art and music transcend political borders with a common goal of feeling humanity and shared common interests, it has been used historically as a tie for like-minded hearts and minds.


Elevating Public Diplomacy and Strategic Communication As National Security Priorities

Under Secretary of Defense for Policy Michèle Flournoy’s plans to create a team to improve coordination and collaboration within the Defense Department and across Government were announced. The team, led by Rosa Brooks, will also, according to Defense News, “will be tasked with reaching out to key members of Congress on specific issues.”


Public Has Mixed Feelings Over Boycotting China

Turkish civil society organizations are in consensus over boycotting products made in China in response to ethnic violence in China's Muslim-populated Xinjiang region and are considering ways to implement such a boycott. But the public seems to have mixed feelings about the possibility of conducting a campaign against Chinese products.


That Commenter On Your Blog May Actually Be Working For The Israeli Government

The [Israeli] Foreign Ministry is in the process of setting up a team of students and demobilized soldiers who will work around the clock writing pro-Israeli responses on Internet websites all over the world, and on services like Facebook, Twitter and Youtube.


A Time For More Public Diplomacy

At this momentous stage of the Karabakh peace process, all Armenians would benefit from another round of public diplomacy that begins with President Sargsian's assessment of the Moscow talks this weekend. In addition, international recognition of the Armenian Genocide and efforts to normalize Armenia-Turkey relations are also two of the rapid development to the Armenian people.



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