A curated selection of public diplomacy-relevant news from a global cross-section of English-language media outlets, including independent, corporate-owned, and state-sponsored sources. The stories featured don't necessarily represent CPD's views nor have they been verified by CPD.

Undersecretary Building U.S. Public Diplomacy Team

U.S. Undersecretary of Defense for Policy Michele Flournoy is "establishing a small team with responsibility for global strategic engagement issues," said a Pentagon spokesman. The team will lead internal Pentagon coordination of public diplomacy and strategic communications efforts, and it will collaborate with similar offices across Washingto's national security apparatus, sources said.


Explaining Why Afghanistan Matters - Whose Job Is It?

As highlighted in this blog and others, the use of “new” and “social” media by military and government organizations as a part of their public communication strategy is undergoing a quiet evolution – or in some cases, revolution.


Obama’s Consensus Diplomacy Put to the Test

Following U.S. President Barack Obama’s visit to Russia, most political commentators focused on two themes: the fact that nuclear arms reductions have returned to the agenda and the problem of democracy in Russia. In both areas, Obama performed a political balancing act that was nothing short of miraculous.


Culture ministry, VNA Sign Cooperation Deal For 2009-2010

They will continue to work together to provide information relating to activities during Vietnam’s “Cultural Diplomacy Year 2009”, including the launching of a Vietnamese cultural centre in France, Vietnamese cultural days in the UK, France, the Netherlands and Germany, and the Mekong-Japan tourism-cultural festival in Can Tho city.


Pakistan Likely To Figure High in Clinton’s First India Visit

US Secretary of State Hillary Clinton arrives in India for a five-day visit Friday, keen to shore up relations between the United States and this fast emerging economic power. The trip comes after a much anticipated meeting between India and Pakistan's prime ministers Thursday.


America’s Legitimacy Crisis in Asia

recent Rasmussen Reports poll found that when asked about threats to U.S. national security, most Americans ranked North Korea, China, Pakistan, or Russia at the top. A separate poll from World Public Opinion taken around the same time found that citizens in China, Pakistan, and Russia each reported having little or no confidence in President Obama to do “the right thing in world affairs.”


Gov`t Could Change `Dynamic Korea` PR Slogan

Euh Yoon-dae, a former president of Korea University, responded by saying, “The term ‘dynamic’ itself has a positive meaning, but we can consider something different that describes our superb technological abilities such as ‘information technology powerhouse.’”


Flexing Hillary’s ‘Muscles’

The most "muscular" portions were the carefully-drafted signals to Iran and Saudi Arabia, which represent the White House's formal stance, not Clinton's personal vision. The more personal elements of the speech -- the ones that actually carry some meaning for her stature and role as Secretary of State -- were in the realm of what used to be called "soft power," and is now called "smart power."



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