A curated selection of public diplomacy-relevant news from a global cross-section of English-language media outlets, including independent, corporate-owned, and state-sponsored sources. The stories featured don't necessarily represent CPD's views nor have they been verified by CPD.

[Sec. Clinton’s] Foreign Policy Address at the Council on Foreign Relations

And to these foes and would-be foes, let me say our focus on diplomacy and development is not an alternative to our national security arsenal. Our willingness to talk is not a sign of weakness to be exploited. We will not hesitate to defend our friends, our interests, and above all, our people vigorously and when necessary with the world’s strongest military. This is not an option we seek nor is it a threat; it is a promise to all Americans.


Pan African Festival Attracts Thousands

Thousands of artists and tourists from dozens of African nations and the rest of the world gathered in Algiers, Algeria, to attend the second Pan-African Cultural Festival. The event, set to run through July 20th, began on Saturday.


Amid Islamic Anger, China Insists Violence in Xinjiang is Not Related to Ethnicity or Religion

China is seeking to play down ethnicity and religion as factors in the recent unrest in the Muslim-majority Xinjiang region, amid growing signs that Muslims, including hardliners, are rallying to the cause of their co-religionists in China.


Clinton: Iranian Opportunity for Engagement Limited

U.S. Secretary of State Hillary Clinton said the United States remains ready to engage with Iran, but warned that the opportunity will "not remain open indefinitely."


Exchange Students Live American Nightmare

They came from around the world hoping to spend a high school year immersed in the culture and joys of America. Instead, five young foreign exchange students found themselves caught in a nightmare of neglect, malnourishment and abandonment by those supposed to protect them.


Full Funding for More Fully Redundant Broadcasts to Tibet.

In a strong assertion of support for Tibet, the US Congress has advanced legislation that provides millions of dollars for Tibet programs. The bills also provides full funding for Tibetan broadcasting by Radio Free Asia and Voice of America.


New York Philharmonic Invited to Perform in Cuba

The New York Philharmonic is known to be a pillar of American high culture. In the past, it has repeatedly been referred to as the ‘American musical ambassador’, and the New York Philharmonic has now begun discussions regarding a trip to Cuba.


‘Dynamic Korea’ Slogan Unfit, Says Branding Chief

The chief of a presidential panel on enhancing the national image proposed yesterday the national slogans, "Dynamic Korea" and "Korea Sparkling," be replaced by something more symbolic of the nation's "miraculous" technological advancement.



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