A curated selection of public diplomacy-relevant news from a global cross-section of English-language media outlets, including independent, corporate-owned, and state-sponsored sources. The stories featured don't necessarily represent CPD's views nor have they been verified by CPD.

A New Diplomatic Approach

Over the past several years, Israeli government officials have achieved media success by taking the initiative to use new media as tools for dialogue with the international public. For example, the Israel Foreign Ministry launched the country’s official blog three years ago.


Political Punch

Under Sec. for PD McHale: But, frankly, in the case of Africa, we had free cinemas. We had radio outreach. We understand that in -- we know very well that throughout Africa radio is the predominant medium. And so we were very careful to be sure that the speech was accessible to the largest population by understanding what is the media infrastructure in each country.


The Spinternet Goes Global: The Nigerian Chapter

I coined the term "spinternet" to describe how governments are increasingly hijacking the democratic potential of the Internet. I have evidence that this is happening in China, Russia, and Iran, and I am sure that it's happening in many other countries as well.


What Palestinians Really Think About Obama

Gazans of all stripes, both decades-long friends of mine and new contacts, are intimately aware of President Obama's Cairo speech last month, which many see as a breathtaking change from Bush administration policy. But, especially after years cut off from contact with Americans by US policy to isolate Hamas, they have little grasp of US culture – or of the realities facing an American president seeking to take up their cause.


Clinton Speech Signals Transformation at State

But the speech itself was less a policy address than a platform to explain how changes that Clinton has recently initiated to prepare the State Department and USAID to shoulder more of a national security burden match the administration’s objectives.


Obama’s Global Reach via Movie Theaters, Bikes Messengers, Text and Mobile Networks

Using SMS texting, social networking sites, free move theater screenings and yes, even bike messengers, the administration has strategies on how best to distribute speeches like Obama’s high profile speeches in Cairo, Moscow and the most recently this past Saturday in Ghana, to an audience who normally would not be able to watch.


The Rewards of Hosting An Exchange Student

The members of the Merrill family, who are about to host their third student from South Korea, say the rewards far outweigh any reasons against not hosting a student. "You gain a lot by hosting them, you learn so much," said Cheryl Merrill, of Littleton. "It's a great opportunity."


Sec. Clinton’s Foreign Policy Address (video)

Video from Secretary of State Hillary Clinton's address to the Council on Foreign Relations.



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