A curated selection of public diplomacy-relevant news from a global cross-section of English-language media outlets, including independent, corporate-owned, and state-sponsored sources. The stories featured don't necessarily represent CPD's views nor have they been verified by CPD.

Chicago Youth Boxers Return from Sport Exchange in Ireland

World Sport Chicago partnered with the Chicago Youth International Boxing Ambassadors and the Chicago Park District to send eleven local youth to Ireland for an amateur boxing contest last week. The program was designed to promote cross-cultural exchange in the spirit of sport.


Iraqi Teens Get Up-Close Look At US

The Iraq Young Leader Exchange Program has been a platform for cross-cultural communication and community-building for three years. Their goal is to groom a new generation of Iraqi leaders, using personal visits and face-to-face interactions to improve relations between the U.S. and Iraq, one handshake at a time.


London 2012: Stuck On The Blocks?

A poll for The Independent on Sunday has found that people are optimistic about London 2012 - referred to by ministers and organisers as the "compact Games". The ComRes survey shows 54 per cent of voters agree that the Games "will be worth the expense in the end", while 42 per cent disagree.


Breaking the Diplomatic Ties That Bind Design

"Design for Diplomacy," written by the American Institute of Architects, is a classic Washington document: dull, dry and filled with recommendations that run from the tepid to the bland to the obvious. But the fact that it exists means that the age of the American embassy as architectural wasteland may finally be coming to an end.


Rajesh Tandon: Need To Mobilise Our ‘Soft’ Power

India’s ambitions to be treated like a global leader of world governance at this juncture can be realised, as it is being respected as a global emerging economy and the largest democracy in the world. India’s ‘soft’ power is enormous, and official leadership can acknowledge and mobilise it to make India a truly global leader.


Made In Brazil

As a diplomat for over 30 years, BS Prakash has represented India in every continent in the world: Europe, Asia, North America, Africa and now, South America. And in all these years, he has never seen anything comparable to what he sees now: the strangest and strongest manifestation of India’s appeal through the current soap on Brazilian TV.


Boost For EU’s Image

It’s been a long time coming. But last week in Yogyakarta, Indonesia and the European Union finally initialled an ambitious cooperation pact aimed at revitalising a so-far uninspiring and lacklustre relationship.


Huwaida Arraf On Non-Violence (And Finkelstein Too)

You can only move public opinion to act if they agree on the legitimacy of your goal... And enlightened public opinion is on the side of the Palestinians. It is not any longer on the side of Israel.



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