A curated selection of public diplomacy-relevant news from a global cross-section of English-language media outlets, including independent, corporate-owned, and state-sponsored sources. The stories featured don't necessarily represent CPD's views nor have they been verified by CPD.

Hypocrisy on China and the Muslim World

And there is probably a little reverse schadenfreude, too, if there is a word for that: we agonize all the time about why Muslims hate America, so why don't they hate China, too?


GWU Exploring Changes in Public Diplomacy Since Nixon-Khrushchev Debate

The George Washington University’s Institute for Public Diplomacy and Global Communications’ [conference], “Face-off to Facebook: From the Nixon-Khrushchev Kitchen Debate to Public Diplomacy in the 21st Century,” will mark the 50th anniversary of the debate and examine new opportunities for U.S. global outreach in a Web 2.0 world.


Ivy Tech Begins Cultural Exchange

Ivy Tech [Tippecanoe, Indiana] and a Mexican university formed an international education and cultural exchange program. Ivy Tech and a university in Hidalgo, Mexico, signed an agreement at the Lafayette campus.


YES Program Expands Online Cross-Cultural Collaboration

The Youth Exchange and Study Program (YES) is expanding its efforts to connect students across cultures, is expanding its efforts into more countries in Africa and bringing collaborative technologies to bear in order to help exchange students communicate before, during, and after their programs.


Obama Alienates The Israeli Left: “He Has Spoken About Us But Not To Us”

Obama's concern for public diplomacy - such an important emphasis when he justifies sucking up to anti-woman, anti-gay, undemocratic, illiberal terrorist states - somehow evaporates when he's dealing with Israel.


“Uncle” Walter and the American Image

"Uncle" seems almost condescending — I don't mean it so. Walter Cronkite was more than an avuncular presence in American homes. He was a serious newsman at a time when TV news was being invented, and we were all a bit in awe of the new medium and its ability to broadcast images as well as news.


Broadcasting Board of Governors: Empty Seats at the Table

The Broadcasting Board of Governors, or BBG, is the agency overseeing all U.S. non-military international broadcasting, and is the name of the Board that governs those broadcasts...The BBG is also the agency everybody seems to love to hate.


Arab Countries Among ‘New 7 Wonder’ Finalists

The Dead Sea, Lebanon’s Jeita Grotto and the United Arab Emirates’ Bu Tinah Shoals were among 28 world-famous natural landmarks named as finalists Tuesday in a global poll to pick seven new Wonders of Nature.



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