A curated selection of public diplomacy-relevant news from a global cross-section of English-language media outlets, including independent, corporate-owned, and state-sponsored sources. The stories featured don't necessarily represent CPD's views nor have they been verified by CPD.

The Cold War’s Hot Kitchen

Exactly one-half century ago, one of the great confrontational moments of the cold war seized the world’s attention: Nikita Khrushchev, bombastic anti-capitalist leader of the Soviet Union, and Richard Nixon, vice president of the United States with the reputation of a hard-line anti-communist, came to rhetorical grips in the model kitchen of the “typical American house” at the 1959 American exhibition at Sokolniki Park in Moscow.


Taiwanese Youth Here Today

The youth-oriented public diplomacy program was initiated by President Ma Ying-Jeou. This program is the first that involves young people of Solomon Islands and ROC (Taiwan) to work together promoting cultural understanding, academic development, youth development, raising awareness of public heath and environmental protection through shared cultural experiences.


Combined Joint Task Force-Horn of Africa Holds First-ever Photojournalism Workshop

Service members from the Combined Joint Task Force-Horn of Africa Public Affairs Office, along with the U.S. Embassy here conducted media training for six Djiboutian and Somali media representatives on Camp Lemonier, July 21 and 23.


Hamas Shifts From Rockets to Public Relations

In that tactical sense, the war was a victory for Israel and a loss for Hamas. But in the field of public opinion, Hamas took the upper hand. Its leaders have noted the international condemnation of Israel over allegations of disproportionate force, a perception they hope to continue to use to their advantage.


Lawmakers: US Government Broadcasters Crucial to Soft Power Outreach

U.S. lawmakers have told the directors of two U.S. - government funded international broadcasting stations, that they have an important role in projecting "soft power" to foreign audiences.


VOA’s News and Information Critical to U.S. Interests, Director Tells Congress

The Voice of America ( VOA ) remains critical to U.S. interests because it allows audiences to “cut through the din of shrill propaganda and the fog of misinformation and disinformation,” Director Danforth W. Austin told Congress today.


A Forgotten Kitchen Debate and American Public Diplomacy

If there is one theme at today's impressive conference at [GW Univ's] "Face-off to Facebook: From the Nixon-Khrushchev Kitchen debate to Public Diplomacy in the 21st Century", it is that US [PD], though its tools of persuasion have changed during the past fifty years, is, above all, about human beings connecting with one another rather than a government "pushing a message" on a "target audience."


Public Diploamcy and Legitimacy in the Age of Transparency

As transparency becomes the norm for establishing knowledge—and it is—governments that previously had trouble establishing credibility with foreign audiences now have a means of conveying information that does not require a leap of faith by the audience to be trusted.



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