A curated selection of public diplomacy-relevant news from a global cross-section of English-language media outlets, including independent, corporate-owned, and state-sponsored sources. The stories featured don't necessarily represent CPD's views nor have they been verified by CPD.

China Still Has A Long Way To Go

As China's relations with the world grow, the opportunities and challenges in terms of public diplomacy also increase. In recent years, Chinese leaders and diplomatic missions have made greater efforts in this area. Chinese people travelling, studying and working abroad have also played a role.


Obama’s Middle East Gambit And The US-Israeli Rift Over Settlements

Barack Obama has irked the Israelis. Whether or not you support what he’s trying to do in the Middle East, a new Pew Research poll suggests the president has some damage control to do in the Jewish state. A Jerusalem Post post survey is even more dismal. On the day Linda Gradstein’s radio story about Mr. Obama’s sinking popularity in Israel aired on The World, this op-ed in the NYTimes got some attention.


Engagement Policy All Set To Backfire

The defining principle of President Barack Obama’s foreign policy is engagement with adversaries. Public diplomacy has been designed to clear a path for such talks — expressing respect for legitimate grievances, apologizing for past wrongs and offering dialogue without preconditions.


Japanese, Local Students Share Cultures

Yuka Shimozato, a teacher from Misono high school in Fujisawa, Japan, said it best as she tried to convey the importance of the cultural exchange between her students and their Canadian hosts. She expressed how the 46 students from the all-girls Catholic school in the suburbs of Tokyo would relate to the Windsor students during their two-week cultural exchange visit between the twin cities.


Au Revoir: Exchange Students Leave With English Skills And Some American Culture

Through the EF program, international families from countries such as Austria, China, Spain, Russia and Sweden are given the chance to send their children to different cities within the United States to improve their English skills and get a first-hand look at American culture, history and family traditions.


International Hip Hop Theatre Project Shakes Up Sydney

Information and Cultural Exchange (ICE) is pleased to announce, East London West Sydney, a major hip hop theatre project crossing language and cultural barriers while blending spoken word, drama, music and movement in a celebration of urban culture.


Yemeni Students Go On Cultural Exchange Trip to Wales

Uder the British Council initiative ‘Connecting Classrooms,’ 13 students and eight teachers from Rabba’a Al-Adawya and Baghdad schools of Sana’a visited Wales in the UK to participate in the World Youth Skills Challenge last month. About 170 students and 35 teaching staff visited local attractions and took part in a series of competitions.


OIC Member States Launch Cultural Exhibition In Saudi Arabia

The Assistant Secretary General for Political Affairs at the Organization of the Islamic Conference, Ambassador Abdullah Alem, has inaugurated the cultural exhibition for the OIC Member States. The exhibition seeks to raise awareness about the cultures of the countries and peoples of the Islamic world.



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