A curated selection of public diplomacy-relevant news from a global cross-section of English-language media outlets, including independent, corporate-owned, and state-sponsored sources. The stories featured don't necessarily represent CPD's views nor have they been verified by CPD.

Swiss Image In United States Still Strong

The results of a survey conducted in the United States show that a dispute over tax evasion has had little impact on the perception Americans have of Switzerland. A majority of Americans think positively of Switzerland, its products and its place in the world.


Wise Power - How An Aging Japan Can Maintain Influence

Japan is in the grip of demographic forces that threaten its future. A plunging birth rate and increasingly long-lived citizens are transforming Japan into the grayest country in the world. Less studied are the opportunities afforded a graying Japan. Seizing those opportunities requires creativity, innovation, and a long-range approach—none of which, quite frankly, are evident today.


Amity First Indian Group to Open Business Schools in London, Singapore

Amity, a leading education-oriented group, will become the first from India to open two new business and management-oriented campuses in London and Singapore. The two campuses were being set up in a European and South East Asia environment with the specific objective of attracting students of those regions to experience the best of the West and East in terms of education.


Global Plan For Diplomatic TV Service

Sky News has approached the federal government with plans to expand Australia's international diplomatic television broadcasting service into a global network. The plan includes broadcasting the DFAT channel across five satellites with unencrypted distribution into Europe, Russia, the Middle East, Africa, India, China, Asia, the Pacific and the Americas.


Understanding The Enemy

If we demonstrate our strength with a consistent refusal to appease our enemies, then those same enemies will be less likely to misbehave or try to call our bluff. Unfortunately, by focusing almost exclusively on how others view us, we have lost our grounded sense of reality and mistaken the phantom of weakness for the real thing.


Mobilizing Confucius

Confucius Classroom, a program from the Chinese government aimed at teaching high school students Chinese culture and language, is expanding rapidly around the world.


Obama’s e-campaign moves from the U.S. to world stage

Philip Seib, the director of the Center on Public Diplomacy at the University of Southern California, said the administration was right to hop on the bandwidth wagon..."In Barack Obama, you've got the greatest public-diplomacy asset since Benjamin Franklin. But beyond that, how do you decide on the message you want to send to these connections that you've built? You have to have a plan."


Think Again: Africa’s Crisis

As U.S. Secretary of State Hillary Clinton heads to Africa, the continent is in far better shape than most experts think... It's true that some countries in the region are as poor as England under William the Conqueror, but that doesn't mean Africa's on the verge of doomsday.



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