A curated selection of public diplomacy-relevant news from a global cross-section of English-language media outlets, including independent, corporate-owned, and state-sponsored sources. The stories featured don't necessarily represent CPD's views nor have they been verified by CPD.

Clinton’s Second Chance in Pyongyang

The White House today described Bill Clinton's surprise visit to North Korea as a "solely private" effort to secure the release of two captive American journalists. But the real story behind the trip very likely goes back to the public diplomacy that then-president Clinton was conducting with North Korean leader Kim Jong Il nearly 10 years ago, during Clinton's final months in office.


Doctors in Cuba Start Over in the U.S.

In the 50 years since the revolution, Cuba has sent more than 185,000 health professionals on medical missions to at least 103 countries. About 31,000, most of them doctors, are in Venezuela, where they work in exchange for cheap oil and other trade benefits for the Cuban government.


Educational Programmes Via TV From Germany To India

German broadcaster Deutsche Welle has signed up with IT@School ViCTERS, India’s first dedicated educational TV channel, to allow Indian students access to more than 200 hours of its educational programmes. The agreement will offer schools and students in India the opportunity to see, among others, the popular German programme Mouse TV. It will also bring in documentaries and videos covering science, medicine, waste management, workplace safety, water, world cultures and the animal kingdom.


The Message Is the Message

Since occupying the White House, Barack Obama has hosted fifteen town-hall meetings; appeared in more than 800 images on the White House Flickr photo-stream; and held four prime-time press conferences, the same number held by George W. Bush in his entire presidency.


Stop the Blanket Militarization of Humanitarian Aid

U.S. foreign aid has never been perfect, but the seeping of military and antiterrorism initiatives into development work threatens to take humanitarian efforts to a new low. In an attempt to win the hearts and minds of local populations in Iraq and Afghanistan, the U.S. military reasoned that it must demonstrate the concrete benefits of collaborating with Americans in the fight against al Qaeda and the Taliban.


Taliban slick propaganda confronts US

The insurgents use audio and video recordings, fliers and handouts, so-called "night letters" [letters with warnings or messages posted overnight], newspapers, journals and magazines as well as books. Radio and television broadcasts are the militants' main tools to spread their message and glorify their achievements.


Changes to US policy in East Asia

The two measures taken so far show that US policy towards East Asia integration has changed from previous wait-and-see manner to active participation, setting up a regional cooperation mechanism based on bilateral ties.


Three programs aim to make Windham students global citizens

Three programs at the new Windham High School will steep students in world affairs, their activities preparing them for college, adulthood and problem-solving. These are the hopes held by organizers of the Model United Nations Windham, Global Ethics Competency and England Exchange programs, as well as hopes held by students who will enroll in them.



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