A curated selection of public diplomacy-relevant news from a global cross-section of English-language media outlets, including independent, corporate-owned, and state-sponsored sources. The stories featured don't necessarily represent CPD's views nor have they been verified by CPD.

Korea Aiming to Refine Image Abroad

The beef protests added momentum to South Korea’s push into so-called nation branding, a drive to manage the country’s international reputation that, so far, has had limited success. South Korean government and other organizations leading the charge are making a stronger commitment to listening, explaining and forging real change to improve the country’s standing internationally.


Careful diplomacy offers hope for troubled relationship

For the Obama Administration, it offers a tangible sign that its preferred course of soft power – diplomatic engagement with rogue states and working with the United Nations to apply pressure – can deliver outcomes.


Best Communications Practices for Making a World of Difference

National Public Radio recently suggested that the remarks of Secretary of State Clinton comparing North Korea to "small children and unruly teenagers" exemplified the use of "soft power" because she did not threaten military action. Our nation's leaders can benefit by implementing proven communications practices routinely used outside of the political sphere to promote cooperation rather than ruffle more feathers.


90% - Clinton’s Warm Welcome in Kenya

Secretary of State Hillary Clinton begins a seven-nation trip to Africa today in Kenya where she is sure to receive a warm welcome from a country that has a very positive opinion of America. Fully 90% of Kenyans have a favorable opinion of the U.S., the highest favorability rating from any country polled in the 25-nation survey by the Pew Global Attitudes Project.


Pakistan Embassy in Tehran to Celebrate Cultural Week

The embassy of Pakistan in Tehran has organized a programme of week-long cultural activities in Iran in connection with Pakistan Independence Day celebrations. The cultural activities have been organized in collaboration with ECO Cultural Institute and Ministry of Culture and Islamic Guidance, Government of Islamic Republic of lran.


“Green” Taiwanese Visiting “Green Village” in Israel

The international ecology and leadership summer program will allow the Taiwanese students to participate in the international youth exchange program, which is being organized by Israel’s National Council for Youth Exchange. The program will feature workshops, adventure, ecological and cultural activities, and trips to Israel’s museums and popular tourist attractions.


An American Blogger In Paris

One taste of the caramelized white chocolate ice cream he has just pulled from the freezer, and David Lebovitz has an opinion: "I think it's missing something. Ginger? No. Kirsch? No. Baileys? Would that be weird?" ...Actually, it all looks pretty fun from the outside, at least if you read Lebovitz's quirky blog (http://www.davidlebovitz.com), his thousands of tweets or his recent memoir-with-recipes, "The Sweet Life in Paris: Delicious Adventures in the World's Most Glorious -- and Perplexing -- City" (Broadway Books, 2009).


The Diplomacy of Music

Musicians from around the world, hoping to fine-tune their talents and harmonize on a diplomatic level with American counterparts, will soon conclude a six-week stay on Northeastern’s campus that leaves them better musicians and globally minded citizens of the world.



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