A curated selection of public diplomacy-relevant news from a global cross-section of English-language media outlets, including independent, corporate-owned, and state-sponsored sources. The stories featured don't necessarily represent CPD's views nor have they been verified by CPD.

New Dance: Choreographers Connect

Part of the New Dance Festival is a ten-day residency programme which will bring young choreographers from South Africa and Mozambique together. The New Dance Festival, a platform for contemporary dance, presents a selection of contemporary dance works by invitation at The Wits Theatre and The Dance Factory.


Leadership Vacancy Raises Fears About USAID’s Future

As Secretary of State Hillary Rodham Clinton begins a seven-country African trip with a visit to Kenya, the main U.S. foreign aid agency is in limbo, entering its seventh month without a permanent director despite pledges by the Obama administration to expand development assistance and improve its effectiveness in poor countries.


Hawke Bullish on Cultural Links

COLLABORATIONS with China were essential to Australia's links with the emerging giant, where events were "changing the context and course of world events", former prime minister Bob Hawke said at the launch of the latest Confucius Institute on Thursday last week.


The Need for a New Narrative

In his speech in Cairo on June 4, President Obama laid out what he hopes will be a new strategy and a new beginning for U.S. engagement with Arab societies. From all reports, the speech had a positive impact. While I agree with nearly all the sentiments the President expressed, I think he squandered an important opportunity -- not just to alter the relationship between Americans and Arabs but also to provide clear guidance to U.S. policymakers, who are currently rudderless on the sea of strategic communications.


Slumdog Comedian

SNL" alum Chris Kattan exports his desperation in IFC's sweet summer miniseries "Bollywood Hero"..."When I was a kid I wanted to be Indiana Jones," Kattan tells us in the opening moments of "Bollywood Hero," IFC's three-part miniseries that airs this week (10 p.m. Aug. 6, 7 and 8 on IFC). "This year I told my agent I wouldn't take any more acting jobs until he actually found me something different, a part where I'm the leading man or I’m the hero, the role I always dreamed of playing.


The Diaspora in Public Diplomacy - Indian & Chinese

India & China are two most populous nations in the world. The diaspora of these two countries can play a huge role in boosting respective country's images. Number of Indians living overseas are estimated anywhere between 26-30 million across all continents. It will be interesting to watch how these two nations, potential rivals, attempt to leverage this advantage. From lobbying to cultural influence, the diaspora is crucial.


Indo-Pak students for peace in sub-continent

Craving for peace, Indian and Pakistani students felt terrorism should be curbed in the sub-continent to enable the youth of the two countries to have a healthy cultural relations. We know that the two governments are making efforts in this direction and hope the issue is dealt so, an Indian student Gaurav Bhawnani said, adding, "We want a peaceful sub-continent so that our generation and the future generation live peacefully."


On Haeundae Beach

Haeundae is a Korean foray into the popular genre that Hollywood has always dominated ― the apocalyptic disaster movie. In the American tradition...whether invasions from outer space...or the eco-catastrophes and plagues that descended in the 1990s ― express the fears and anxieties of the moment. From this vantage, it is not too much of a stretch to read Haeundae as a projection of South Koreans' own fears of destruction ― not from the sea to the east, but from the madman in the north.



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