A curated selection of public diplomacy-relevant news from a global cross-section of English-language media outlets, including independent, corporate-owned, and state-sponsored sources. The stories featured don't necessarily represent CPD's views nor have they been verified by CPD.

GLOBAL: ‘Soft Power’ China Expands Language Centres

The Middle Kingdom's "soft power" approach to international relations continues with the planned establishment of three new Chinese national education centres at universities in Australia, Europe and the US. China says the aim of the centres is to boost the number of students studying Chinese language and culture although its ongoing goal appears to be the generation of favourable public opinion.


Diplomacy for Visa Lust

Nepal's diplomatic dexterity is a largely discussed and experienced text for its hapless concert. The global as well as Nepalese eyes are often found itch while touching the pollex of our diplomacy. Public have difficulties even to memorize or inhale any positive changes in diplomatic disposition except the figure of diplomats and its vested interest.


Second Post-Election Unrest Trial Held

The second session of the trials of detainees arrested during the post-election unrest was held in Tehran on Saturday. The indictment said the plans included efforts to create insecurity and foment discord in Iran. These plans were pursued through "public diplomacy" and "covert action" by taking advantage of the freedom in the country.


Economic Experts Across Western Hemisphere To Convene In Miami-Dade County

Celebrating 50 years of citizen diplomacy, the Miami Council for International Visitors (MCIV) has been shaping foreign relations and promoting international understanding one handshake at a time. MCIV is the official South Florida host for the U.S. Department of State International Visitor Leadership Program, and welcomes hundreds of distinguished international visitors every year.


Filipino Festival Offers A Chance For Cultural Exchange

Filipino Festival featured musical performances, an array of folk dances and a Cañao, the traditional Igorot celebration by descendants of that Filipino mountain tribe. “It showcases the best of the Philippines,”said festival co-chair Rosario Igharas.


Kuwaiti Exhibits at Russian Museum ‘A Cultural Link’

Kuwait's Ambassador to Russia Naser Al-Mezayyin yesterday described an exhibition of Kuwaiti-owned Islamic jewels and antiquities held at the State Hermitage Museum in St. Petersburg, Russia yesterday as "a cultural link between both countries."


State Assures Muslims of Protection

The fight against terrorism will not undermine the rights of Muslims, a sessional paper recently presented to the Kenya Cabinet says. The paper introduces a new concept known as cultural diplomacy, which is the linchpin of public diplomacy. It is a style of reaching out to all kinds of people and provide agenda for cooperation in spite of policy differences.


Hoi An To Host Japanese Exchange

The historic town of Hoi An will mark its ten-year anniversary of UNESCO world cultural heritage recognition with a Vietnam-Japan cultural exchange program next week. The seventh Vietnam-Japan Cultural Exchange Days will feature Japanese cuisine and tea ceremonies as well as kimono fashion shows and a mochi festival.



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