A curated selection of public diplomacy-relevant news from a global cross-section of English-language media outlets, including independent, corporate-owned, and state-sponsored sources. The stories featured don't necessarily represent CPD's views nor have they been verified by CPD.

Dumb Power

All of the instruments of ‘smart power’ are wonderful for influencing democracies, because they’re open societies. But it’s precisely against the world’s dictatorships that ‘smart power’ is least useful, because they thrive on iron control and have the power to enforce it – if necessary, by threatening the local staff. In those circumstances, liberals will moan powerlessly – as the CEO of the Council did – about the need to maintain “open and constructive dialogue between countries.” But this isn’t about relations between countries.


Chilean Culture at Cuban Book Fair

Homage to outstanding Chilean creators like Pablo Neruda, Violeta Parra and Victor Jara centers the academic and artistic program of the 18th Cuban Book Fair, to be opened as of Friday in this capital. Over one hundred Chilean writers and artists are expected to arrive in Havana in coming hours, to exchange with Cuban academics, and foster even more the cultural relations between the two countries.


From beer, non la to Vietnamese Images

Nguyen Xuan Hung said that it is necessary to implement cultural diplomacy through Vietnam’s overseas diplomatic agencies, focusing on cultural centres, businesses, social organisations, and experienced overseas Vietnamese. The Chief of the Foreign Ministry’s Foreign Policy Agency, Bui Thanh Son, said there needs to be a general message about Vietnamese culture issued so all agencies can advertise a common brand and cultural identity of Vietnam to the world.


Chinese president to embark on African charm offensive

Chinese President Hu Jintao is due to arrive in Africa later this week for a four-nation tour analysts say is aimed at boosting the economic giant's image on a continent where China has invested heavily to gain a slice of oil and mineral resources...Trade between China and Africa reached over 100 billion dollars in 2008, with oil and minerals flowing out of Africa and consumer products flooding in. In 2006, Hu promised African leaders more aid, investment and trade at the third ministerial conference of the Forum on China-Africa Cooperation in Beijing.


Clocking Government Internet Traffic: Let the Races Begin

In the battle of Internet websites to attract the most user traffic, the one site has emerged as the most popular in the entire world. At the other end of the spectrum, of course, is the inevitable loser, with the dubious honor of being ranked one millionth in website popularity.


An Intact Public Diplomacy

Given the fact that it was Erdogan himself who wished to come together with Israel President Shimon Peres at a conference, his spat at Davos could perfectly be considered as a good sample of the cultivation of public opinion at home and in other countries. It needs to be said, he does not always give good samples of public diplomacy...At a time when diplomats are under pressure, the foreign minister should take more initiative on that front.


Turning Victory in Arab streets into Victory in Diplomacy

In the autocratic countries, the voice of the streets only matters when it is so loud that is likely to turn into a revolution. Given that there is no looming sign of any revolution on the Arabian Peninsula, how would Turkish diplomats turn the demands of the Arab streets into a benefit for its diplomatic maneuvers in Middle Eastern affairs?


Poll: Afghan Support for U.S. Operations Falling

A new poll in Afghanistan shows sagging support for U.S. efforts in that country, with air strikes a chief concern. A quarter of Afghans say attacks on American or allied forces are justifiable, double the proportion saying so in late 2006.



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