A curated selection of public diplomacy-relevant news from a global cross-section of English-language media outlets, including independent, corporate-owned, and state-sponsored sources. The stories featured don't necessarily represent CPD's views nor have they been verified by CPD.

Khor, South Korea’s Gangnam become sister cities

Al-Khor-Dhakhira Municipality and the South Korean district of Gangnam yesterday signed a Memorandum of Understanding on twinning the cities...The minister said that Qatar could exchange its experiences and culture with the South Korean city. The minister told Gulf Times: "The agreement means a lot. Cultural exchange between countries is very important. Though this is not the cultural ministry, it is the responsibility of every Qatari person to let the other side know how we are in Doha".


Belgrade to Host Iran Culture Week

Belgrade is to explore the different aspects of Persian art, music and poetry during the Iranian Culture Week held at the Progres gallery. The seven-day event will kick off with an exhibition of paintings and photos by internationally-acclaimed Iranian artists. The Iranian Culture Week ---which is sponsored by the Serbian-Iranian Association of Friendship and Cooperation--- will also hold a Persian carpet seminar.


Clinton to Use Science as a Tool for Public Diplomacy

Can science be used as a tool of public diplomacy? The US Secretary of State, Hillary Clinton, believes that science at times could be used as an effective tool for America's public diplomacy. In fact, she intends to use science as a tool for public diplomacy as much as she can, Clinton told the employees of the State Department during the course of a town hall meeting at its Foggy Bottom headquarters.


Chinese TV Airs Protester Throwing Shoe at Premier

Chinese state broadcaster CCTV on Tuesday night aired the full news footage of a protester throwing a shoe at Chinese Premier Wen Jiabao during a speech in Britain, an unusual step given the state-controlled media's routine censorship of incidents embarrassing to China.


Town Hall Meeting

On the security issue and on outreach and public diplomacy, we must figure out a way consistent with security to use these new tools. There is no doubt in my mind that we have barely scratched the surface as to what we can use to communicate with people around the world, and in fact, to use them as tools...to further our own work and to be smart about it.


UK culture body halts Iran work

The British Council says it has suspended all operations in Tehran after staff members were intimidated by the Iranian authorities. Iran has denied visas for any British staff and all local employees resigned after being summoned to the president's office, the council says.


Conductor Barenboim Calls for Gaza “Marshall Plan”

Daniel Barenboim, the Argentinean-born conductor, has called for a new "Marshall Plan," under German leadership, to rebuild the damaged infrastructure in the Gaza Strip.Barenboim made the appeal Tuesday, Feb. 3, while receiving a peace award at a ceremony in Berlin. The internationally renowned conductor said Germany should learn to "cope with its feelings of guilt" about the Holocaust in a new way and offer "to help the Jewish people to come to terms with the Palestinians."


Bending The President’s Ear

Americans for the Arts president and CEO Robert Lynch is among those who had previously called for a senior-level arts advocate in the West Wing..."The existing federal infrastructure in support of the arts doesn't have a senior official in the West Wing to connect the dots," he says. "So when needs or opportunities come up, there's no one to talk about cultural diplomacy. Like when the New York Philharmonic went to North Korea [in February 2008] - that happened privately, so the U.S.



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