A curated selection of public diplomacy-relevant news from a global cross-section of English-language media outlets, including independent, corporate-owned, and state-sponsored sources. The stories featured don't necessarily represent CPD's views nor have they been verified by CPD.

Analysis: The Effective Public Diplomacy Ended with Operation Cast Lead

An examination of Israel's public diplomacy for Operation Cast Lead reveals an ironic disparity between a carefully planned and implemented wartime media policy on the one hand, and the net result on the other hand, which has been extremely damaging for Israel's international image and standing.


Beijing Launching A ‘Chinese CNN’ To Burnish Image Abroad

The government is reported to have set aside more than $6 billion to launch the TV station, to nearly double the number of foreign bureaus belonging to the official Xinhua news agency, and to upgrade the ruling Communist party mouthpiece, the People's Daily. The drive reflects a new burst of enthusiasm in China's long-running but generally unsuccessful effort to present a positive image to the world.


Analysis: The Effective Public Diplomacy Ended With Operation Cast Lead

An examination of Israel's public diplomacy for Operation Cast Lead reveals an ironic disparity between a carefully planned and implemented wartime media policy on the one hand, and the net result on the other hand, which has been extremely damaging for Israel's international image and standing. While this has not yet manifested itself in any major diplomatic crises, questions about Israel's disregard for human rights, excessive use of force, possible war crimes, and indiscriminate attacks on international facilities are high on the international agenda.


British Council in trouble again?

The British Council has suspended all activities in Tehran, asserting that its local staff has been harassed by Iranian authorities.


Iran ‘forces’ closure of UK culture group

British Foreign Secretary David Miliband on Thursday urged Tehran to allow the British Council to resume operations in Iran, shortly after London announced it was suspending the cultural organization's operations because of Iranian pressure on its staff. Iran dismissed British press reports about the controversy as "baseless and misleading." Iran's embassy in London said British Council staff had acted improperly, seeming to suggest they had been spying.


Searching for Comedy in the Muslim World: Reflections of a Harvard Joke Collector

Of course, jokes don’t stop bullets. One shouldn’t laugh at his executioners. But jokes and laughter do have their place in diplomacy, despite the proviso in the cross-cultural strategies section of the Environmental Protection Agency’s Handbook that one should “Avoid humor and jokes” and instead “Rely on pleasant facial expression.” True, jokes aren’t universal, and much is lost in translation. Americans joke in English, Taliban joke in Pashto, Arab mujaheddin joke in Arabic.


Latin America and the U.S.: Building a Partnership for the Western Hemisphere

While there is anti-Americanism in the Western Hemisphere, there remains an abundant hunger for the American brand. The new Adminis­tration, drawing on a commitment to public service and to the revitalization of a service ethic, should work to recapture and revitalize what is best in the U.S.


Dubai Int’l Seminar to Showup Contributions of Pak Diaspora, Friends of Pakista

"The seminar is being convened in February as part of a global campaign launched by the Pakistan Government to raise the soft image of the country among the comity of nations and to highlight the achievements of the Pakistani Diaspora for the country of origin. This also aims at paying tribute to the Pakistani expatriates for their contributions across the globe," added the sources...Pakistan International Council (PIC) was established under the patronage of the Prime Minister of Pakistan, and has already initiated various public diplomacy efforts to promote Pakistan globally.



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