A curated selection of public diplomacy-relevant news from a global cross-section of English-language media outlets, including independent, corporate-owned, and state-sponsored sources. The stories featured don't necessarily represent CPD's views nor have they been verified by CPD.

Egypt: New Gaza Truce Possible Soon

Egyptian President Hosni Mubarak says a longer-term truce between Israel and Palestinians in Gaza may be reached next week. Mr. Mubarak's country has been mediating a more durable cease-fire. He spoke in Paris Monday after meeting with French President Nicolas Sarkozy.


Worldview: Iran struggles with Obama’s extended hand

It was supposed to be the first U.S.-Iranian exchange under the Obama administration. Iran invited eight members of the U.S. women's badminton team to play in an international tournament that started Friday, and the Iranian team was to visit the United States in July. The Americans were told to pick up their visas in Dubai, but when they arrived, the visas were denied. Welcome to the internal Iranian debate over how to respond to President Obama's overtures toward Tehran.


Public diplomacy and the Obama administration

Before he departed Washington, former PD Chief James Glassman wisely acknowledged that “there’s no doubt (foreign) views of the U.S. were influenced by the policies the U.S. adopted.” To paraphrase James Carville, it’s the policy, stupid. Our PR is only as good (or as bad) as the policies it attempts to explain and defend. No amount of clever advertising-type spin could have turned the decision to invade Iraq into a propaganda victory. In other words, public diplomacy isn’t advertising or public relations; it’s diplomacy.


Repairing American Public Diplomacy

It is widely believed among academics who study the subject, and among former practitioners, that public diplomacy has not achieved its full potential, and we are hopeful that the Obama Administration will now solve some of its problems. This essay focuses on the most important challenges, which in many ways concern broadcasting to the Arab world. What are the systemic problems hindering U.S.


Must See TV

Obama's choice should alert the new administration that fixing Alhurra must be a high priority...Alhurra should be a niche station, offering a distinctly American take that underlines American culture, values and objectives...Instead, Alhurra presents a bland package of news and programming with no added value to that offered in the Arab mainstream channels.


United States Embarks on Three-pronged Plan

The Turks' perception of the United States gradually began changing after the November 2007 meeting of the Turkish prime minister and then-U.S. President George W. Bush who declared the PKK a common enemy, but public diplomacy is still not at full speed and links between the Turkish and American public are loose, according to Arif Keskin, an Iran expert at the Eurasian Strategic Studies Center.


What a Museum Can Do

Director of the British Museum Neil MacGregor dislikes the phrase “cultural diplomacy” for the work that he has been doing, fearing it risks compromising the museum’s independence from government, which he holds to be absolute and vital. What happens when a cultural institution is not considered independent of the government has been strikingly demonstrated by the recent rupture in relations between the British Council and Tehran.


Clinton Packs Full Asia Agenda for First Trip as Secretary of State

Secretary of State Hillary Rodham Clinton will travel to Asia on her first voyage as chief diplomat, skipping the more traditional itinerary of Europe or the Middle East...Clinton's focus on climate change appears to be part of a broader administration effort to try to persuade China to join with the United States in an effort to reduce greenhouse gas emissions.



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