Former U.S. Ambassador Christopher R. Hill’s recent book, Outpost: Life on the Frontlines of American Diplomacy, is a memoir that provides much insight into his day-to-day life as an American diplomat in the Balkans, Poland...
KEEP READINGPublic Diplomacy and the Role of a Public Affairs Officer
In this video, high-ranking State Department officials talk about public diplomacy and the role of Public Affairs Officers. They explain why it is crucial for the United States to engage with foreign publics, connect with them, exchange ideas and cultures, and foster two-way communication. Richard Stengel, Undersecretary for Public Diplomacy and Public Affairs, joins several other officials interviewed in the video, to discuss technological changes in the 21st century and their implications for public diplomacy. They highlight the importance of power existing more in networks than hierarchies and how communication trends have become more horizontal.
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