Gone are the days of digital euphoria, where thought leaders pontificated on the ways in which the internet and global connectivity would unite the world and foster a new era of world peace and prosperity. With speculation...
Can Public Diplomacy Survive the Internet?
The latest report from the U.S. Advisory Commission on Public Diplomacy (ACPD), Can Public Diplomacy Survive the Internet? Bots, Echo Chambers, and Disinformation, offers a collection of essays on topics related to the dark side of digital media, disinformation, and narratives.
ACPD’s Executive Director, Shawn Powers and CPD Advisory Board member Markos Kounalakis co-edit over a dozen essays from experts in the private and public sectors who had convened at Stanford University’s Hoover Institution to discuss upcoming trends in public diplomacy. The collection includes contributions from Voice of America Director, Amanda Bennett, and Acting Undersecretary for Public Diplomacy and Public Affairs, Bruce Wharton, among others.
The full document is available on the U.S. Department of State’s website.
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