u.s. department of state

CPD Senior Research Specialist Sohaela Amiri describes a new analytical tool for policymakers.

CPD is pleased to share news of generous support from a CPD Advisory Board Member.

Press release announcing Gretchen M. Franke and Chad D. Houghton as first recipients of the Prize.

The nation’s number-two diplomat, Deputy Secretary of State Wendy Sherman has circumnavigated the globe twice since being sworn in this April. In July, she was the first senior Biden-Harris administration official to visit the People’s Republic of China for wide-ranging diplomatic talks. On September 2, 2021, Deputy Secretary Sherman spoke about her travels and shared insights into the Biden-Harris administration’s Indo-Pacific strategy, challenges in Afghanistan, and next-generation leadership in public diplomacy.

Businesswoman, diplomat and educator Marie Royce brings a wealth of knowledge and experience to CPD.

ACPD Exec. Director Vivian S. Walker shares findings on staying competitive in the global information space.