u.s. department of state

Video document of Assistant Secretary Marie Royce's recent visit to Pakistan, where she met with students, teachers, artists, alumni and Pakistani officials

An introduction to the international virtual exchange efforts of The Stevens Initiative.

Adrienne Brody, CPD Summer Institute alumna of the Class of 2018 is recognized for her public diplomacy work at the U.S. Embassy in Panama.

Adrienne Bory, CPD Summer Institute alumna of the Class of 2018 is recognized for her public diplomacy work at the U.S. Embassy in Panama.

Learn about OneBeat, the U.S. State Department's unique music diplomacy program that connects artists from around the globe.

This video interview recounts a U.S. State Department-led collaboration between two chefs—one American, one Pakistani—that resulted in a miniseries for a popular Pakistani TV food network.