Nancy Snow, a public diplomacy scholar and professor, has published a new article. Her piece, “Japan’s Challenges in Public Diplomacy: An American Vision,” appeared February 2016 in the journal Asie Visions, a publication by...
The Motivation Behind China’s Public Diplomacy
Zhao Kejin, an Associate Professor of International Relations at Tsinghua University and a Senior Fellow at the Charhar Institute in Beijing, China, has published a new article about China's public diplomacy strategies, campaigns and potential hurdles to bolstering its international public image. His piece, The Motivation Behind China’s Public Diplomacy, appeared in the Summer 2015 edition of The Chinese Journal of International Politics. In the publication, Kejin traces China's "metamorphos[is] from a low-profile country [in 2003] to a proactive participant in economic, political, and security issues at both the regional and global levels," and in turn, he demonstrates how China is using public diplomacy to both strengthen its international voice and secure an "amicable image around the world."
The full article is available here.
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