CPD Director quoted by The Gulf Today on India’s struggle with creating a comprehensive PD strategy

On January 12, 2011, writer Rajiv Bhatia wrote in The Gulf Today, a publication of the United Arab Emirates, about India's public diplomacy efforts in an article titled, "Public diplomacy: new task".

Bhatia quoted CPD Director, Philip Seib about his observations that India lacked “a consistent profile that it can present to the world,” that it did not have “a comprehensive public diplomacy strategy.”

Bhatia goes on to point out that India’s foray into public diplomacy in the digital era may be new, but it can certainly lay claim to a decent record of projection abroad.

These observations came from the conference organized by the Indian Ministry of External Affairs and in collaboration with CMS Academy in December 2010 in New Dehli.

Also participating in the conference were CPD University Fellow and Director of the USC Master of Public Diplomacy program, Nicholas J. Cull, and CPD Senior Scholar, Eytan Gilboa.

To read the full article, please click here.

To read about the conference and view videos, please click here.

To visit the conference's website, please click here.

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