USC News Highlights #DigitalDiplomacy at CPD Summer Institute 2016
USC News, a University of Southern California publication, went behind the scenes to learn about CPD’s Summer Institute in Public Diplomacy.
For over eleven years, CPD has organized its two-week, intensive Summer Institute for members of the international diplomacy sphere. This year the emphasis was on new digital tools.
“Diplomacy has been disrupted by geopolitical shifts and the digital revolution, and is in pressing need of a new mindset and skill set, which is why we developed this signature training opportunity,” said Jay Wang, director of CPD.
Participants came from nine countries including Australia, Israel, Japan, Korea, Mexico, the Philippines, Poland, Qatar and the United States. This group of diplomats joins a vibrant and engaged alumni network, dating back to our first program in 2006.
Two participants, Eyal Naor (Israel) and Merewalesi Nailatikau (Australia), shared with USC the impact of the Summer Institute program on their work.
With new tools and a digital approach, “we can be open and start a dialogue – it’s a win-win,” Naor said.
“We are very proud of playing a role in building public diplomacy into a strong and sustainable facet of international affairs,” Wang said.
Read the original article here.
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