CPD Director Philip Seib writes the featured opinion piece in the September issue of Layalina's Perspectives. The article, 'Connecting Public Diplomacy and Policy,' can be read on the Layalina site.
As a followup to his July keynote address, CPD Director Philip Seib recently spoke on the Melbourne Up Close podcast about new media and public diplomacy. Listen to the broadcast on the Up Close site.
CPD Director Philip Seib was featured on the Michael Eric Dyson radio show to talk about Secretary of State Hillary Clinton's performance as America's chief diplomat. Listen to the broadcast on the MED radio show web site.
CPD Director Philip Seib was cited extensively in a Miami Herald piece on President Obama's campaign to reach out to the global public through social media. To read the entire article click here.
CPD Director Philip Seib reviews Susan A. Brewer's book, "Why America Fights," in the Dallas Morning News.
CPD Director Philip Seib writes new op-ed in the Huffington Post, "Toward a More Imaginative U.S. Public Diplomacy."
The USC Center on Public Diplomacy's news aggregation (PDiN) was mentioned in an article entitled "Ghana: Self Help Diplomacy - an Emerging Obama Doctrine Towards African Countries?"
CPD's definition of Public Diplomacy is cited in SF Foreign Policy Examiner piece entitled Instead of a tambourine you play a daff? Cultural diplomacy at the table and away from the table.