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Call for PD Magazine Submissions on Ethics in Diplomacy
Public Diplomacy Magazine is now accepting submissions for its Spring/Summer 2020 issue!
The USC student-run publication's upcoming issue will focus on ethics in diplomacy, especially the role of morality, objectivity and bias in public diplomacy. Public diplomacy scholars, practitioners and enthusiasts are encouraged to submit case studies, working papers, interviews, book reviews, comparative studies, policy analyses and histories of public diplomacy as practiced internationally that are relevant to the theme of ethics in diplomacy.
To be featured, you must submit a manuscript via the online form found on the PD Magazine's website by the deadline: March 21, 2020. The issue will be released May 2020.
Submission requirements:
- 12 pt. Arial font, single-spaced, and saved as a Microsoft Word file
- Between 500 and 2,000 words.
- MLA Style
- Do not embed graphics in text
- Authors must have legal rights to all photos and other graphics and attribution must be included
More submission guidelines provided by PD Magazine:
Articles for this issue should highlight:
- The role of morality, objectivity, bias, and principles in public diplomacy
- The people, states, organizations, and partnerships promoting ethics in foreign public engagement
- Creative solutions to both endemic and contemporary ethical problems in the field
- Best practices for ethical public diplomacy
- Historical and comparative lessons for ethical public diplomacy
Questions articles might address include (but are certainly not limited to):
- How does one reconcile personal beliefs with conflicting professional obligations in public diplomacy?
- What policies are in place that outline PD ethical boundaries? What policies need to be put in place?
- How does one reconcile PD that is good for their country but bad for their intended audience(s)?
- How does one handle criticisms of ‘unethical PD’ from their target audience(s)?
- Is it public diplomacy or propaganda if one uses immoral public engagement strategies for a moral end?
- How about moral public engagement strategies for an immoral end?
Find further information on submissions to Public Diplomacy Magazine here.
Please direct any questions to Jasmine Kolano, PD Magazine Editor-in-Cheif:
About Public Diplomacy Magazine
Public Diplomacy Magazine is the first publication of its kind devoted entirely to the field of public diplomacy, published biannually by the Society of Public Diplomats at the University of Southern California since 2009 with support from the USC Center on Public Diplomacy, Annenberg School for Communication and Journalism, and the School of International Relations within the USC Dana and David Dornsife College of Letters, Arts and Sciences.
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