The recent brutal conquests by ISIS in Syria and Iraq have been accompanied by a policy of establishing new political symbols, from the imposition of its own flag (similar to that of al-Qaeda) and the formal interdiction of...
Iraq's Year of Rage
CPD 2016-18 Research Fellow Mieczysław Boduszyński has recently published a new piece in the Journal of Democracy examining Iraqi democracy post-Saddam Hussein. Titled “Iraq’s Year of Rage,” the article follows the 2015-16 mass protests, arguing that the movement’s cut across ethnic and sectarian divides is due to broad disillusionment and distrust against political elites. Two main factors have contributed to the post-2003 political failure: a corrupt “partyocracy” that has deepened sectarian divisions, and weak institutions as well as an absent rule of law. This has been compounded amidst high inflation, unemployment, and the persistent problem of Daesh.
The full article is available here.
Photo by Ahmad Shamloo Fard I CC 4.0
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