Note from the CPD Blog Manager: The author is recipient of a 2018–20 CPD Research Fellowship. Learn more about the CPD Research Fellowship here. The impact of soft power is notoriously difficult to measure due to the...
Spotlight: CPD Research Fellows 2013-15
The 2013-2015 roster of CPD Research Fellows is comprised of three extraordinary scholars, each pursuing a unique focus in the study of public diplomacy.
Research Fellow at the Clingendael Institute Ellen Huijgh’s project is The Public Diplomacy of Emerging Powers: Insights from Indonesia and Turkey. Ellen recently finished turns as a Resident Visiting Fellow at Carleton University in Ottawa (2007-2012) and at the Centre for Strategic and International Studies in Jakarta in 2012. She has published books on the public diplomacy of Canada and the EU, with a focus on domestic PD strategies.
Technology, Research, Education and Technical Assistance for TB (TREAT TB) Project Technical Officer Tara Ornstein conducts research to improve TB diagnosis and treatment in limited-resource, high-burden settings. Her CPD project, The Role of Public Diplomacy in Global Tuberculosis Control, explores the intersection of PD and public health.
Assistant Professor of Media & Communication Studies at Sweden’s Karlstad University James Pamment studies communication and diplomacy issues, including soft power, nation branding, and international development. He is researching Intersections between PD and International Development while at CPD, considering the mutual impact of these two seemingly disparate fields.
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