Last week, the Jerusalem Post announced a new joint venture between the Israeli Prime Minister's office and StandWithUS, a nonprofit organization, aimed at training university students on how to use social media to educate...
What's "In the Works" for Eytan Gilboa?
Professor Eytan Gilboa is the founding Director of the Center for International Communication and Senior Research Associate at the BESA Center for Strategic Studies at Bar-Ilan University in Israel. In the past, he served as founding Director of the Bar-Ilan School of Communication. He is also Chair of the Israel Communication Association and founding Chair and Academic Director of the Israel Public Diplomacy Forum. Each summer since 2005, he has taught at the CPD Summer Institute in Public Diplomacy which he initiated and co-founded.
He has published several books and numerous articles and book chapters on public diplomacy, international communication, and U.S. policy in the Middle East. He frequently contributes op-ed articles to newspapers and magazines, and serves as a commentator on television and radio networks.
Some recent publications (with annotations by Dr. Gilboa) include:
Gilboa, E. (2016). Public Diplomacy. In G. Mazzoleni (Ed.). The International Encyclopedia of Political Communication. Hoboken, NJ: Wiley-Blackwell, pp. 1-9.
This provides a capsule description of PD; a useful introduction to the field.
Gilboa, E. (2016). Public Diplomacy. In P. Moy (Ed.) Oxford Bibliographies in Communication. New York: Oxford University Press, pp. 1-17.
An annotated survey of major international scholarly and professional associations, journals, and publications on public diplomacy. Should be useful for any student, scholar, and professional seeking a list of major works in the various communication areas of public diplomacy.
Gilboa, E. (2016). Digital Diplomacy. In C. Constantinou., P. Sharp, and P. Kerr (Eds.). Sage Handbook of Diplomacy (pp. 540-551). Thousand Oaks, CA: Sage.
Presents a critical analysis of the evolution and current status of knowledge about digital diplomacy including digital public diplomacy. It presents utilization types, advantages and shortcomings and measurement challenges.
Gilboa, E. et al. (2016). Moving Media and Conflict Studies beyond the CNN Effect. Review of International Studies. 29, pp. 1-19. doi:10.1017/S026021051600005X.
This article examines the effects of developments in communication technologies on the roles and functions of the global media in international conflicts. It offers a new multi-level hybrid model and research agenda. It is available on open access and may be freely circulated.
Gilboa, E. (2016). Public Opinion and Obama’s Foreign Policy. In E. Inbar and J. Reinhold (Eds.). US Foreign Policy and Global Standing (pp. 63-87). London & New York: Routledge.
This work argues that public opinion in the US hasn’t constrained Obama’s foreign policy decisions, and that he has made choices based on his education, world view, and values.
Gilboa, E., and Magen, C. (2016). Crisis Communication Research in Israel: Growth and Gaps. In A. Schwarz, M. Seeger, and C. Auer (Eds.). The Handbook of International Crisis Communication Research (pp. 327-336). Hoboken, NJ: Wiley-Blackwell.
This handbook provides surveys of recent research in crisis communication by issues and regions. Many chapters are relevant to public diplomacy.
Current research includes:
- Indexing National Images
- Digital Public Diplomacy: A Meta-Analysis
- Comparative Public Diplomacy: Theoretical and Methodological Issues
- The Debate about the Iran Nuclear Program: Political Campaigns, Media Coverage, and Public Opinion
About this series:
"In the Works" is CPD's periodic roundup of news from the international PD scholarly community. If you've taken up a new academic position, published a new work or recently embarked on a research project on a public diplomacy topic, let us know! All updates can be sent to Please be sure to use "In the Works" in the subject heading.
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