The United States, which introduced the concept of soft power to the world and increased the positive awareness of its country in the world through this concept, is one of the countries that uses cinema diplomacy most...
What's "In the Works" for Philip Seib?
For nearly a decade, Philip Seib has served as Professor of Journalism and Public Diplomacy and Professor of International Relations at the University of Southern California. From 2009-13, he was director of USC’s Center on Public Diplomacy and served for two years as Vice Dean of USC’s Annenberg School for Communication and Journalism from 2014-2016.
Having dedicated most of his professional career to the study and practice of media, Seib now teaches “News Media and the Foreign Policy Process" in USC’s Master of Public Diplomacy program and is developing a new class on “Public Diplomacy in the Middle East.” He also continues to teach an undergraduate journalism course, “Media, War, and Conflict.”
Seib has written extensively about public diplomacy in various formats, from blogs to books. Here is what he currently has "In the Works":
- The Future of Diplomacy, a book that was recently published by Polity posits that the future of diplomacy is inextricably linked to the future of media, and that this makes public diplomacy increasingly important.
- The chapter, “U.S. Public Diplomacy and the Media in the Middle East,” in Bullets and Bulletins: Media and Politics in the Wake of the Arab Uprisings, which was also recently published by Oxford University Press and Hurst.
- Articles in The World Today (published by Chatham House), about the Obama National Security Council, and in Arab Media and Society, about issues that arise when writing about terrorism.
- Seib is working on a book tentatively titled Confronting Terrorism, which will include a chapter about the role of public diplomacy in countering violent extremism.
- Related to these writing projects, he has recently given conference presentations in Turkey, the United Kingdom, Republic of Georgia, Australia, and Ireland.
About this series:
"In the Works" is CPD's periodic roundup of news from the international PD scholarly community. If you've taken up a new academic position, published a new work or recently embarked on a research project on a public diplomacy topic, let us know! All updates can be sent to Please be sure to use "In the Works" in the subject heading.
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