The Hizmet project is a private educational initiative and diplomacy instrument that has morphed from a point of pride for the Turkish government into a threat. The project is associated with Fethullah Gülen, a political...
KEEP READINGWorld Summit for Innovation in Education
The World Innovation Summit for Education (WISE) begins today in Doha, Qatar. The summit is an opportunity for world experts and policy makers to discuss the latest innovations addressing global educational challenges. This new video from EuroNews showcases two of the six education projects being awarded at this year's summit for their “original solutions to some age-old educational problems,” including the Bridge International Academies project in Kenya and the Talking Book Program in Ghana. Both projects use a combination of information communication technologies (ICTs), including e-readers and audio computers, to close the gap between poverty and access to knowledge. This video demonstrates the power of education diplomacy, multi-stakeholder collaborations and innovative ideas to help foster creative projects that can make a significant difference to individuals and communities around the world.
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