
Experts said Tuesday that cultural and academic exchanges between China and Africa are conducive to the development of cooperation.Africa and China were on the right track for better understanding between their peoples and the sharing of development experience with the launch of the China-Africa joint research and exchange program.

Southern Africa People's Solidarity Network (SASPN) was started in 1999 by civil society groups that believe the struggle for economic, environmental, social and political justice, including for people's participation in decision-making, continues after the fall of apartheid.

This potent combination of need and hope has made Ethiopia one of the biggest recipients of foreign aid in the world, and the second-biggest recipient of British aid.

The first of its kind by a black African, the expedition seeks to synthesize diverse African perspectives on Africa to serve as a positive change agent against modern media portrayal of the continent as home to war, disease, hunger, and corruption.

The Obama administration will put food security at the heart of its Africa policy, as it seeks to enhance ongoing U.S. efforts on trade, investment and HIV/AIDS on the continent, a top U.S. diplomat said.

March 18, 2010

Not exactly known for being in touch with the best needs of its people, Zimbabwean President Robert Mugabe's Zanu-PF party was yesterday nonetheless fulsome in its praise for China's role in Africa.

Access to knowledge and latest advancements in science and technology will determine the quality and sustainability of India-Africa partnerships.
