al qaeda
The Islamic State of Iraq and Syria (ISIS) militant group that has seized large parts of Iraq and drawn the first American air strikes since the end of the occupation in 2011 has warned the United States it will attack Americans “in any place” if the raids hit its militants.
As ISIS make gains in Iraq and declare an Islamic caliphate, media activists embedded along the front lines and their global support networks, the media mujahedeen, valorize their achievements in HD video and Hollywood film style posters which are distributed via social media.

How public diplomats can counter the online presence of media mujahedeen.

As ISIS continues to successfully blaze a path through territory and the digital landscape, Iraq's numerous stakeholders reassess their roles in ensuring the young republic's existence.
The announcement of a formal Islamic state by insurgents in Syria and Iraq is a "declaration of war against the West and al Qaida", an expert has warned. The Islamic State in Iraq and Greater Syria (Isis) group has sought to solidify its leadership of worldwide jihad today by declaring that its leader, Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi, is the new caliph, or head of state.

As Al Qaeda-inspired ISIS continues its violent march towards Baghdad, the group's social media outreach is being closely examined.
Witnesses to the fatal shootings last month of two Yemenis by American government officials said they saw a Western-looking man pull a gun from his belt and shoot both Yemenis dead during what appeared to be a kidnapping attempt at a barber shop. Yemen has seen increasing numbers of attacks and kidnapping attempts on Westerners in the country, which isbattling a strengthening, Yemen-based branch of al Qaeda.
The U.S. is providing more arms and training to the moderate rebels in Syria, under a growing secret program run by the CIA in Jordan. Sources tell NPR that secret program could be supplemented by a more public effort in the coming months involving American military trainers.