anholt-gfk roper nation brands index

"The world needs a conversation with Canada right now," writes Nicholas J. Cull in the CPD Blog.
Our PM Narendra Modi is leaving no stone unturned to create a positive image of India among foreign investors and capitalists. But it seems we need some serious makeover and efforts to improve the branding of our nation, as compared to other developed nations, we are still a beginner.
This week the world of public diplomacy got a set of readings of similar significance. They mean trouble for the USA. The seismograph in the story is the Anholt-GfK Roper Nation Brands Index.

Nick Cull on why this year's NBI spells trouble for the U.S. - and the rest of the world.
"South Africa: Inspiring New Ways", the new slogan for championing the country locally and internationally, has been approved by the country's Cabinet following extensive development and consultation by Brand South Africa.
Gradual though South Africa's rise may be, Miller Matola, chief executive of Brand South Africa, which is tasked with projecting a positive image of the country, does not take it lightly. He said it was one of the reasons South Africa was entering 2012 in a "position of strength".
The United States continues to lead the world in global image, according to GfK Roper Public Affairs & Corporate Communications, a division of GfK Custom Research North America, and leading policy advisor Simon Anholt.
Paris – the city of love and irrepressibly haughty waitstaff – still has that je ne sais quoi, according to the report, released this week, which measures the the image of 50 cities with respect to presence, place and people, as well as more nebulous characteristics such as pulse and potential.