In the first few days since he won the presidential election in Argentina, President-elect Mauricio Macri has already shown a glimpse of what can be expected of his economic and foreign policy[...] includingrenewed public diplomacy, initiation of high-level economic dialogue, the offer of technical assistance on economic and trade issues, supporting the resolution of arbitration claims and conflict with the “holdout” bond-holders, promoting regional leadership and enhancing cooperation against drug trafficking.
True, neither the pope, let alone Argentina, have the political, military or financial power to enforce the UNGA-approved principles. But they can exercise their “soft power,” which is the ability of a country — or, in this case, the Vatican — to persuade others to do what it wants without force or coercion, be it (again, in this case) financial or political. In fact, soft power, a given for important states, is a must for those nations lacking such attributes.
Dancers in love with tango's passion bit their nails and hit the floor as more than 700 couples from far and near converged on Buenos Aires....for the qualifying round of the 2015 World Tango Championship. The championships, held every year since 2003, have drawn international enthusiasts from Britain, South Korea, Canada, Colombia, Venezuela, Peru and Mexico.

The MPD delegation to Indonesia engages with non-state actors in Jakarta.
China has dramatically scaled up its global loan book over the past five years by dealing with countries largely ignored by Western lenders, whether for political reasons (Russia) or economic (Argentina).
Watch the full video of CPD's recent event.
What do the U.S., Argentina, Afghanistan, and Myanmar have in common? This summer, two opportunities enabled me to explore this question from my perspective as an American violinist who recently moved to Argentina from Afghanistan.

An American violinist and cultural diplomat explores the unifying power of music.